3 old squ K
1 " '' " '' C
Light breeze from the East.
max 44
min 24
Crawford took a walk to the hills today and had a
good look at the ice. A shore lead runs along the
beach as far East and West as he could see and to
the East the ice seems to be broken up into leads.
He saw 3 foxes. Walrus heard to the South. Clear.
Light breeze from the South.
max 36.5
min 22.5
Heard a large number of walrus today and saw
several. All in the water. The ice remains station-
ary altho we have had a fresh breeze all of day
from the E. S. E. with fog and occasional snow. Cloudy
max 27.5
min 19.5
Cut wood and general dutes. Still a fresh breeze
from the E.S.E. Clear all day but foggy in P.M.
Have been hanging out a latern for some days
past in case a ship comes (?) near here at night
As a for us we can tell from here. however, it does
not look as tho we will see a ship this fall
1 Brant K
max 34
min 23
I went to get the five traps that I still had out
and was only able to find two of them. Will
try again soon for the other three. About 2 mi.
East of the camp, on the beach, I shot a lone
Brant. the which was all alone. We thought
all the brant were gone long ago. On a high
ridge about 1 1/2 mi inland I had a good
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