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1 ugrug
2 seals M

and a small male & female seal on the patch of
ice to the W. Galle, Maurer and I launched the
dory and brought home same. Calm and mostly
clear until evening, then rain and variable airs.

max --
min --

Blowing a light gale from the W. General duties

max 44
min 29

Maurer went W. to try sealing on the patch of ice
where he has been getting all of the seals the last few
days. He found however that the ice was about 50. yds
from the beach and conseque consequently he was unable
to get on it. Blowing a strong breeze from the W.

max 39.5
min 29.5

A miserable blowing and a gale from the N. W.
Snow ing and drifting. Only a few struggling
cakes of ice to be seen. My hip is still bother-
ing me considerably and I stay in my sleeping
bag all I can, only getting out when necessary
Crawford arrived home at 5 A.M.
He surveyed Doubtful Harbor, and found that
ships drawing 4 fathoms, and very likely more,
can get good shelter from all the winds, but Westerly.

max 34.8
min 28.8

Nothing attempted today. A light breeze from S.
The ice can be seen about a mile off shore. Cloudy.

max 35.4
min ---

Maurer went sealing and saw two seals but was

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