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Maurer, Galle and I cleaning for seal
skins and making pokes all day. Crawford
with two dogs went to the East and hauled
home one of the seals killed by Maurer
yesterday. After supper Maurer went af -
ter a seal near camp, got one shot at
him and missed. StrSrowning. Lgt. br. E.

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Blew a gale all day from the E. N.E. with snow
& sleet. No one left camp.

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At 6.50.P.M. I left the main camp with one dog and
a p with a pack bound for Warning Pt. Arrived at
trapping camp 9.15 P.M. and made a pot of tea
and stayed about 1/2 hour. Proceeded East until I
reached cross 5 mi. West of bottom of Rogers Harbor
when I left note for Mr. Stefansson. Arrived at camp
"Karluk" camp. Rogers Harbor at 4.45 A.M. Examined old
grave and found cross erected by "Corwin" in 1914 blown
down. Also left note on pole here for V.S. Saw Two
foxes. Only me bad river 1 mile East of trapping camp.
Shot a Brant and a King Eider ¶ left Rogers Harbor
at 6 P.M. and arrived at Cape Hawaii at 9 P.M
Tried to seal. gull eggs but found young sea-gulls
instead. Tried to follow the narrow beach around but
but beach ceased to and water came to the cliff so I
and the dog had to climb on top, I should judge from

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