1 seal M.
and met Crawford coming home. Galle spent
the day on the ice and altho he saw several
seals he did not get a shot. While duck hunt-
ing at the mouth of the river near camp I
Killed another seal in the water, with the shot
gun which immediately sank. The water is very
muddy and deep so after a time I gave up
attempts at securing him. Lgt breeze from W.
3 Seals M.
3 seal G
max 52.0
min 33.0
Maurer got 3 seals today, 2 males, 1 female.
Galle killed 5 seals, 3 of which he secured, 3
males. Total, 5 males, 1 female. Crawford got
three shots at seals but missed. I made a
poke and filled another poke with blubber.
After all hands got home Galle and I took
the sled and dogs and hauled home the seals.
The seamstress is taking it easy, for she
says her back is sore. We have on hand, 3
pokes fillel filled with blubber, 4 pokes drying,
8 skins dring and 6 uncleaned skins. Two
large barrels which hold about 60 gallons each
are filled with meat. We will begin drying meat
soon but as the weather has been for a long
time past, drying meat is out of the question.
Blowing a gale from the West. Foggy & very cold
Including the seals that were killed today in
all, 30 were seen. As a sealing place this is
getting better and better all the time.
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