2 seals M.
Max 45.2
Min 32.5
Maurer got 2 seals today, both males. Galle
also went sealing but saw nothing. I spent
the day making "pokes" and cleaning seal
skins. Foggy. Light breeze from E. Occasional drizzel
3 Eiders K
Max 41.5
Min 28.0
No sealing done today. All hands cleaning seal
skins, and filling pokes with blubber. I took a
short walk after supper and killed 4 Eiders, 3
of which I secured. I also killed a seal in the
river mouth with the shot gun but he iniat
ially sank. A beautiful day. Light breeze from E.
1 seal M.
1 Eider K.
max 48.2
min 26.4
Maurer & Galle sealing all day. Maurer got
one male seal which he dragged home. I shot a
male Eider while taking a walk to the Westward
along the beach. I spent a part of the day pegging
out seal skins and filling brass shot gun shells.
A nice day until evening. Now drizzeling. Calm.
The meat of the seals which we are getting is
being put into two large barrels. One barrel is
full and the other nearly so. As soon as
both barrels are filled we will start drying
meat. Galle saw the fresh tracks of a large
bear. All the snow is gone excepting in ravines.
Max 48.4
Min 26.3
Maurer got one seal and killed another which
slid into its hole. I took a walk to the West
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