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max -27.0
min -44.4

The Westward. Maurer & Crawford cut wood and got
ice. Misty and cloudy as it started to blow
strong from the E.N.E. at 3:30 P.M. The wood
will soon have to be hauled from the East ward
or else a long way from the West. Crawford
and I have been discussing a co camp
out on the ice for sealing. We are going to
wait till this blow lets up and then if
no open water is to be seen we will go
South until we do find water. If we only
had fat for the dogs the food that they
are getting now would be all right. I am
boiling up about 3 pounds of rice with
a couple of pounds of flour per day but
the dogs are very thin and suffer a great
deal from the cold, altho they are inside
when not working. No tracks of any
Kind seen. Not as cold as yesterday.

max -17.0
min -39.5

Blowing hard and very cold from the N.W. so stayed
inside. The wind has shifted to the N.E. 50% cloudy -39°

max -16.0
min -44.0

Crawford and I went to the other camp today
to see how things were and bring back some
provisions which we were out of here. The storm-
shed was half full of snow and foxes had dug
a hole thru the roof and had eaten up a slab
of bacon. This must have been some time ago

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