ture of Crawford the native woman
nearly went into hysterics and
when I arrived today she wanted to go
back with me. She said that she
wanted Crawford to Marry her and he
would not, but she wanted to be near
him for he might change his mind.
I asked her if she came along with
us with the intention of marrying
one of us and she replied that she
had. She went on to say that "if
Crawford would not have her she
was willing to marry any one of the
rest of us," rather a gloomy statment
for us (???). This may all sound
funny for the reader but I can
assure him or her that it is not
funny for the four of us to have
a foolish female howling and
refusing to work and eating all of
our good grub. Heaven only knows
what she is liable to do to her self
or one of us and to be continually
watching her gets rither monotonous.
Clear. light air from the East. Colder.
Max 30.1
Min 12.8
Galle and I spent the day at the trapping
camp help ing put up snow walls. The
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