Max 15.0
Min -2.0
not shoot it altho we are rather short
of dog feed. He says that he did not
know where he was so let the bear go.
The rest of us at general duties. Warm
light breeze from the East. Cloudy.
2 foxes
Max 18.1
Min +.4
Galle & Crawford went to traps &
got a raven & two foxes. There are
numerous ravens about here and they
are a great nuisance. I finished
the wood sled today. Maurer & I
hauled ice & cut wood and Maurer
cleaned & stretched a bear skin to
be used for mittens. Cloudy and
warm. Light breeze from the East.
Max 23.4
Min 12.8
1 fox
Blowing a gale from the East with drift-
ing snow. Galle went to traps today and
got 1 fox. The rest of us stayed inside.
Our seamstress is working rather
well xxx skin mittens. The plans
are for Crawford & Maurer to establish
a camp about 12 or 15 miles to the East
for trapping purposes. Our plans were
for them to be at the camp by Nov 1
and we are rather late. As soon as
some snow comes along comes a blow
and away goes the snow, consequently
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