



Status: Page Status Incomplete


days dog feed. Fresh breeze from the N. Snow-
ing. The sea covered with young ice. The
seamstress is not doing much work and is
nearly impossible to get her to do as much
as she does. She will not talk and tell us
the reason and at the present time it looks
as tho we would have to make our own
clothing. Crawford is doing his best with her
for he seems to have more influence with
her than any of the rest of us and he
has a great deal of patience with her. It
seems as tho as good horse whip around do
more than anything else in the way of per-
suation but I am sure we will not resort
to that.


Crawford's diary states that the above entry
should be and not .
We will both let our entry go as they are and
straighten things out later when we learn the
correct date.

Max 16.5
Min 12.5

All hands busy about camp at various duties: The
this morning refused to work but after some
persuation by Crawford she finally went to work in a
rather sulky manner. Light breeze from N. Snow-
ing. The sea is ice covered.

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