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Max 16.1
Min 1.2

Worked all day cleaning out house, building
the ends and plugging roof and walls. Will
build the stormshed tomorrow. Our seamstress
has practically quit work and she will not give
us any reason. Crawford who is the only one of
us who has any influence with her told her
today that if she did not finish the skin she
has been scraping [at] for the last day or two by
t night that she would be put on bread and
water. That accelerated her a bitt but at bed
time tonight the skin was not finished. Will
try the "Sing-Sing" fare on her tomorrow. Ice
can be seen on the sky line but none near shore.
Light breeze for the North. Clear.

Max 15.4
Min -1.9

Built a snow stormshed in front of winter house
today. The seamstress worked some but not enough
to hurt any one. A few scattering cakes of ice
to be seen. Fresh wind from N.E. Cold & Clear

Max 16.6
Min -5.5

At last in our winter house. Spent all day moving.
The house is a large frame house covered with snow
blocks 4 x 24 feet with a snow storm shed in front
9 x 14 feet. in-side of frame house is two tenths one 8 x 10
and one 10 x 12 pitched end on end and sewed to-
gether. The floor is dirt There is a drawing here showing the house. Cold clear & calm.

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