Max 29.5
Min 11.5
Still unable to haul logs for the house. I
spent all day working on a stove for the
trapping camp. The others spend the day
at various small jobs about the camp. Light
breeze from the North. Clear. Surf still bad.
The woman has a spell of crying now and then
but is better than the last few days. Working
a little at winter boots
Max 32.5
Min 19.5
I spent most of the day on the stove. The others on
various duties. Surf still too heavy for the dory. Light
northerly breeze. Clear. The woman is working some
and rather quiet now. Thank Heaven!!!!!!
Max 38.2
Min 13.8
All hands at general duties. Waiting for a chance to
haul logs for house Clear + calm. Too much surf for dory
Max 30.1
Min 16.3
I finished the stove today. Crawford made a transit
for rough surveying. Others at general duties. The
woman asked Crawford for a religious book yester-
day and I gave her my Grandfather's "Prayer Book"
We pointed out several passages in the book
to her showing that every body should be Kind
and work faithfully, and now she is Kind
and faithful and sews continually. It is
strange that for all the calm weather we get
the surf does not go down. Why? Clear & Calm.
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