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ran toward him and when about 60 feet from him
he arose and started for me. I sat down and
took good aim and shot him thru the head,
Killing him instantly. He died about 100 yards
from camp 30 feet from the water. Male, three
quarters grown, poor fur. Medium amount of
fat, stomach empty excepting a little grass. This
morning our seamstress had a spell or two about
us Killing her but this evening she seems to
be all right. Have tried coaxing but find that
sterness is better. Breeze from N.W. Surf
falling some. A great many small ice cakes. Cloudy

Max 41.5
Min 17.2

There being very little to do about camp Galle
took a walk to the west ward this morning and
saw three bears comming toward him. He was afraid
to tackle them so came after help. They dissapeared
by the time the rest of us got to where they were
last seen. Ada, the seamstress, has had a few spells
today, saying she will never see Nome again and
a good many foolish things. At this moment
she is busy sewing. Hope she keeps it up.
Saw one fox. Cloudy surf the same as yesterday.

Max Min (Not Taken)

After breakfast the dogs set up a "bear howl"
and rushing out of the tent we saw a large
bear with a cub to the East of camp. They had heard
the dogs and were of the conclusion that they had

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