this morning from the S. WE. and several cakes
have grounded along the beach near here.
Mostly old ice and considerably water
worn. A heavy surf from the S. E. Cold
clear and a fresh breeze from the East.
Max 31
Min 19.5
For future reference perhaps, I am going to make
a statement of what happened today. About 2 P. M.
Ada Blackjack, our seamstress, went out of the
tent as we were all sitting about. About an hour
later Crawford became anxious as to her where
abouts as she had not returned. Near the tent on
a box were found her "Eversharp" journal and a
finger ring. Sticking in a crack in the box was a
note written by her to Crawford telling him to take
these two articles. Seeing that she had left camp
Crawford and I immediately followed her tracks to
ward the hills inland. After an hour of very
fast walking we came as to her and she immed-
iately started to scream and act like an insane
person. Out of her clothes dropped a bottle which
was half full of linement. She had been drink-
ing it and was quite sick at her stomach. After
some persuasion we got her started home and
she told us the same thing that she had wrt
written a few days before and handed to Crawford
viz, that "we intended to kill her." Also, that when
she had seen us following her she had drank
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