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the coast of America lying between Capes Newenham and Darby.
He told him to join the sloop Discovery on July 20 at Stuart
Island, but if Lieut. Avinov had not succeeded in finishing
the survey of the mentioned shore by that time, he was per-
mitted to remain there [at Stuart Island ] until August 15,
and if he did not meet Cap. Vasilev in Norton Sound then,
to winter on Unalashka Island or at the harbor of Petropav-

On July 6, the boat went on its appointed way, and Cap.
Vasilev, going at the same time to Cape Stephens, discovered,
on the 11th, a coast not indicated on the maps. Coming to a
depth of eight sazhens he cast anchor, and going ashore with
the interpreters, was informed that they were standing off an
island called Nunivok [Nunivak Island], located not far from
the mainland coast of America, and which is inhabited, and
that until now its inhabitants had had no contact whatsoever
with Europeans. The latitude of the place of anchorage was
59° 54'; longitude, 193° 17' east of Greenwich. Cap. Vasilev
named this island after the name of his sloop, Otkrytie [Dis-

On June [July] 12, Cap. Vasilev weighed anchor, and
directed his course to Norton Sound. Arriving at Cape Darby
on the 19th, he remained there at anchor for 24 hours, and
since Lieut. Avinov had not arrived with the boat, Cap. Vasilev
sailed north. At latitudes 68° 01' and 68° 21' Cap. Vasilev
sighted two noticeable capes, which Captains Cook and Clerke

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