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could not keep up with the sloops, Cap. Vasilev took it in
tow, and continued on the way to the Aleutian chain. Upon
approaching Unalashka, Cap. Vasilev entered the harbor in
order to repair some damages.
Here Cap. Vasilev formed a new plan for the impending
voyage in arctic waters. He instructed Cap. Lieut. Shishmarev,
upon putting to sea, to proceed toward the northeastern shores
of Asia and to look for a passage into the northern sea. In
case of failure in that, he was instructed to survey the shore
of Chukotski land [ Chukchi Peninsula]. Cap Vasilev kept the
boat for himself and intended to survey the shore of America
between Bristol Bay and Norton Sound with it. After that,
he planned to go to the Arctic Sea along the northwest coast
of America and look for a passage into the Atlantic Ocean.
Vasilev's Voyage, 1821
On June 27th, Cap. Vasilev put to sea. The sloop Good
Intent made its way to the shores of Asia, and the Discovery
and the boat sailed towards [St.] Paul and [St.] George islands,
and again verifying their geographic position sailed toward
Cape Newenham, casing anchor on the southern side.
Here Cap. Vasilev appointed Lieut. Avinov commander of
the boat, and giving him in assistance Midshipman Hall, son
of the Honorable Vice-Admiral Roman Romanovich Hall, who had
sailed those seas under the command of Cap. Billings in 1790
and 1791. Cap. Vasilev instructed Lieut. Avinov to survey
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