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Bering Strait during the whole of September."
Coming into sight of St. Lawrence Island, Cap. Vasilev
instructed Cap. Lieut. Shishmarev to finish surveying it,
and he sailed toward the American shore. The gradual decrease
in the depth of the sea from the eastern end of St. Lawrence
Island was the reason that Cap. Vasilev turned west. and
sailed toward the islands of [St.] Paul and [St.] George.
Determining their geographic position, he continued his way
to Unalashka and arrived there on August 19.
"Being in the Arctic Sea," says Cap. Vasilev, "I saw the
necessity for a small sailing vessel, which could keep quite
close to shore." On the sloop Good Intent there were parts
of a disassembled boat in the hold. Therefore, Cap. Vasilev
set his course from Unalashka to Novo-arkhagelsk port [Novo-
Arkhangelsk, or Sitka ] where there were more facilities than
elsewhere to assemble that boat. He arrived there on Sep-
tember 15, and entrused Lieutenant Ignatev with the assembling
of the mentioned boat, sailed from there on October 25.
Having spent the winter season in southern regions, Cap.
Vasilev arrived in Sitka on , at the port of Novo-
Arkhangelsk. Finding that the boat was completely ready, he
took on a reserve of water and wood,and receiving interpreters
from the Chief Ruler of the American district, Fleet Cap.
Lieut. Matveia Ivanovich Muravev, he put out to sea with all
three vessels on May 30.
Taking in consideration that the newly assembled boat
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