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From Sitka to California

On October 25, we lifted anchor and went through Light-
house Channel into the sea. The "Discovery," which stood
directly opposite the middle passage, wanted to pass through
it, but the wind rose, and it had to abandon this intention
and follow the same course we took. Because of this, having
come out into the sea, we hove to to wait for it. Toward
evening, it, too, entered the ocean, and we filled the sails,
directing our course southward.

At dawn of the 26th, we saw the "Discovery" on the hori-
zon toward the NW. We had up all possible sail for the
strength of the wind, but knowing that the "Discovery" was
able to sail much better than our sloop, we did not reduce
sail by a single thread. Toward midnight, the wind turned to
the SW and strengthened. We reduced sail by reefing the top-
sails and lay to, with the beamwind to the SE. Only then did
the "Discovery" catch up with us, and toward morning, disappeared
from view. To describe the rest of the voyage would be a super-
fluous chore because it did not present anything remarkable.
During all the time we had strong winds from the NW and the W,
with the aid of which, by the tenth, we passed the rocks lying
opposite the entrance to the Port of San Francisco, which are
called "faralones" [ Farallon Isands ]. Here we were becalmed,
and only on the next day, with the help of the high tide,
could we enter the bay, and drop anchor. The "Discovery" still was not there, and for this reason, the captain sent Lieutenant

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