Thank God, the epidemic did not develop on shore or among
our crews.
A few days before our arrival at Novo-Arkhangelsk, the
new chief manager of the American colonies, Fleet Captain of
the Second Rank, Muravev arrived there in company of Midship-
man Khramchenko [ Khromchenko ] in capacity of captain of the
port, Secretary Gribanov, and Physician Volkov. Thus, there
gathered a rather large company of officers, endeavoring to
compensate by mutual discussion the boredom from the eternally
bad weather and the distance from any educated society. All
of us, except those who were on duty, were always together
either on the ships or at the commander's, occupying the big-
gest house in the whole fort. For variety, we presented little
plays, gave masquerades, balls, and made excursions to the
surrounding shores of the harbor and to the hot springs. In
this manner, time passed rather pleasantly. But despite all
that, we, as has already been mentioned, were mighty glad when
we left Sitka.
During our six-weeks stay, we did not have a single
clear day; there was an almost constant drizzle. According
to the old timers, such weather continues almost the whole
year except for two winter months, but even then, it also be-
comes damp with wet winds. Freezing below eight degrees [Reaumur] is
rare, so that the harbor almost never freezes, and navigation
continues the year round.
Fort Novo-Arkhangelsk, founded in 1804,1 is situated on
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