



Status: Incomplete

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miles from it, and following the order of the captain, changed
our course and went directly to St. Lawrence Island. Having
head winds often reaching the strength of a storm, we did not
approach the western cape of this island, which shortly disap-
peared from our sight in the fog before the ninth. After
midday, the fog lifted, and we saw ten large baidars coming
toward us from the island. To give them time to approach, the
captain ordered us to lie to, and soon they approached, but
the people in them, not only did not want to com on deck,
but were even afraid to apprach the side until our Agalakh-
miut and Kamchadal started to talk to them in their languages.
Then trading started, and for tobacco, knives, scissors, axes,
and various knickknacks they gave everything they had, even
removed from themselves their deer parkas and kamochna [?] kam-
leiki [gutskin parkas], called by them kamlilki. Having exchanged
everything that they had with them, they departed and stared
rowing back to the island.

Wishing to refresh the crew with non-salted food, the
captain ordered us to keep toward the bay of the same name as
the island in order to get deer from the Chukchi. The next
day, we entered it and anchored across from a small settlement
of the sedentary Chukchi.

At St. Lawrence Bay

St. Lawrence Bay is open and rough. It would have been
unsuited for staying at anchor if a low sandpit had not ex-
tended from the northern shore, forming a small bay, which

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Line 7 has an what looks like and upper case X in the right margin.