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north also for explorations. The result of this undertaking
is not known to me.
During our stay we were again, like the first time,
visited by Koloshi who now settled themselves in large num-
bers near the fortress for fishing in anticipation of the
herring run.
On May 29, taking a Kamchadal who was here and an Agala-
khmiut as interpreters, we weighed anchor and safely went out
to sea. The boat, taken in town by the "Discovery," delayed us
considerably so that even with a constantly favorable wind,
we saw the chain of Fox Islands [ Aleutian Islands ] only on
June 13. Here we were met by fog and contrary winds, not per-
mitting us until the 7th to cross Unalashka Strait. Entering
the Kamchatka Sea we were compelled to struggle with calms and
strong winds until Unalashka. Finally, on the 21st we were
able to enter Captains Bay, casting anchor for the third time
across from the settlement, Illiuliuk. Immediately our old
acquaintances came to us, and a few new faces sent here from
Sitka. Knowing about our arrival from neighboring islands, a
large number of Aleuts and Russians gathered in Unalashka to
have our priest give communion, marry, and baptize them.
The last strong wind damaged our fore-topmast and the
long crosstreees near the foretop. For repair of the first
and changing of the other, we lowered it. This delayed us
until the 27th.
Going north from here, where nasty weather, cold, and
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