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military flag as soon as we came from behind Japonski Island
(such is called one of the small islands forming the protected
harbor from the sea). We were very surprised that the "Dis-
covery" had not yet arrived, because it was moving much better
than we.
Into our sight came a completely finished and rigged boat
on the ways. Lieutenant Ignatev came to our sloop with Cap-
tain Muravev and regretted very much that circumstances had
detained him in Sitka, whereas we had the opportunity to be
in lands endowed by generous nature with all the delights of
warm lands. We waited impatiently for the arrical of the
"Discovery" to lower the boat and move off from the lamentable
Sitka; lamentable, indeed, because of incessant rains predomi-
nating here. Finally, we saw the "Discovery" toward evening
of the 18th. It anchored near Battery Island in the western
harbor a long way from us.
On the 19th after singing a Te Deum we lowered the newly
built boat from the slip, and it swam like a little duck to-
ward the "Discovery" and stopped at anchor beside it. Lieut-
enant Ignatev was named its commander, and an executive offi-
cer, a medical officer, and ten sailors were detailed to him.
The commander of the colonies, Captain Muravev, intended
to go out to inspect Kadiak and Unalashka. For this, they
equipped a company vessel, "Golovin," which was commanded by
Madshipman Khramchenko. Mr. Muravev wanted to remain in
Kadiak for some time, sending in the meantime Khramchenko
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