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called Tiatatua we would find the king of these islands,
there was no need to look for another place where it was
possible to anchor.
On the next day, that is, on the 18th of February
[read March] we succeeded in approaching the harbor to such
a distance that we could, with thenaked eye, distinguish
people standing on shore, but still we could not reach the
bottom of the sea with the lead. Lieutenant Lazarev had an
excellent dog of the Newfoundland species. On approaching
the shore it constantly lay on the net, avidly sniffing the
shore aromas, but finally, not contented with seeing itself
so close to shore, leaped overboard into the sea and started
swimming. No shouts or curses could induce it to return.
With the natural facility of this species, it swam farther and
farther, paying no attention to us. We watched it through the
telescopes, and saw that it reached shore safely although we
were more than two miles away from it.
The "Discovery" was in front of us closer to Kiarakua
Bay, and, taking advantage of a streak of wind hitting the
sails, succeeded in entering the harbor and casting anchor,
whereas we, becalmed, turned around on the spot, carried only
by the current.
We found ourselves in this position until the morning
of the 19th. Then we saw that our comrade weighed anchor
again, and we despaired of getting to shore. But soon the
"Discovery" approached us and dispersed our fears, saying
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