



Status: Incomplete

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[ Mauna Loa ], Mona-Kaa [ Mauna Kea ], and Mono-Morotai [Puu
. The first one is 8,700 feet above sea level and
is located on the northeastern [southwestern] end of the
island. Next in size is Mono-Kaa, located at the southern
[northern] end, and finally, Mono-Morotai on the north-
western, not far from Kiarakua [Kealakekua] Bay, famous for
the death of Cook.2

When we crossed the mentioned strait about two o'clock
in the afternoon and took refuge behind the island of Hawaii;
its heights shielded us from the wind and we were completely
becalmed. Standing in one place, we had time to contemplate
the beautiful charming landscapes presented by these islands.
To begin with, a low shore starts gradually to rise at a cer-
tain distance, reaching to the highest mountains, and varying
from darkest to light vegetation until it disappears com-
pletely. The top of the mountains present to the eye a view
of naked rocks flowed over by lava, whose long hardened streams
extend, in places, all the way to the seashore where the houses,
or rather, the huts, of the natives are located, surrounded
by coconut groves, and banana and bread fruit trees. In short, the
view is so enchanting that one cannot have enough of it. A
light breeze blowing now and then from the shore brought us
the fragrance, but our impatience to get on a land that was
capable of producing such aromas, was futile--the wind would
not let us get closer to Kiarakua Bay, almost the only an-
choring place near the island. In addition, thinking that in
the settlement of the same name or in the nearest one to it

Notes and Questions

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- The text for "Puu Hualalaei" looks slightly faded. Would like some confirmation as to whether the text does say "Hualalaei".
- Locations like [Mauna Loa], Mona-Kaa [Mauna Kea], and Mono-Morotai [Puu Hualalaei], I've left unlinked. I'm not sure if these locations are relevant to the main purpose of the text, which is to explore the Bering Strait.

Samara Cary

- It looks like it is spelled in the text:"Hualalei", so it's just missing the "a" near the end.
- Thank you for considering the context of the collection. We aren't sure if they should be linked either, so leaving them unlinked is fine.