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Chapter 5
Part Three of Hillsen's Journal

In the Hawaiian Islands

Leaving the port of San Francisco we took a course to
the SW and followed it with variable winds to latitude 27.
Reaching this parallel, we started to hold to it as far as
possible, continuing our voyage to the W. The purpose of this
action was the intention of finding two islands, Rico d'Ora
and Rico-plata, put on the map near this latitude by two
Spanish navigators, islands that were not found by anyone,
not Cook, nor Clerke, no Vancouver. Our efforts, too, were
futile, although twice we had signs of a coast nearby, be-
cause shore birds flew toward us, and the sea was covered with
grass and driftwood, but the shore itself we could not see.
Therefore, reching longitude 202 we bore away south toward
the island of Ovaihi, or Hawaii.

We saw this island on March 17.1 The wind blew strongly
from the NE, and so successfully pushed us ahead that at about
midday we crossed the strait between the islands of Ovaihi
and Muve [Maui]/ Both of these islands are part of the highest
of the whole chain. On Atoi [Kauai] Island [ Ovaihi Island?] the farthest one
to the north, rise three high mountains called Mona-Roa

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