be printed for more than a year.
I don't think I told you that the Indian Arts and Crafts Board
decided that they couldn't use the scrimshaw photos that you so
kindly sent me, so they got some others. I'm sorry they could not
use them.
Have you made any northern trips lately? Last evening, I met a
lovely young woman, wife of First Secretary, Norwegian Embassy,
who once was a nurse in Greenland. Have you seen the material that
Heinz Israel of the Dresden Museum has been putting out about Greenland?
His latest is Kulturwandel grönländischer Eskimo im 18. Jahrhundert
(Wandlungen in Gesellschaft und Wirtachaft unter dem Einfluss der
Hernbuter Brüdermission (Moravians!), Akademi-Verlag, Berlin, 1969.
(Vol. 29)
With best wishes,
Sincerely yours,
Dorthy Jean Ray
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