





80 150 37 267 7 18'69

3'75 2 6'40x7 267 373 44'80 18`69 26'11

25 53 78


Province of Canada, District of Saints Frances.

First Leaf This Book containing twelve leaves This leaf included, which are numbered in words of full length from the first to the last leaf thereof, and the whole of which numbered leaves are included within the folds of the Ribbon, the ends whereof are secured under the seal affixed on the inside of the first covers thereof, hath been presented to me, The Honourable [...] One of The Justices of Her Majesty's Court of Queen "Bench For the District of Saint Frances in the Province of Canada for Authentication, in order that the same may serve as an annual Register, for Registering the Birth, Marriages and Burials of the Calvinist Baptist Society in the Townships of Stanstead and Hatley in the said District, For the year . And the same is accordingly authenticated as such Register as aforesaid, under the seal of said Court, and this present attestation signed by me at full length This [...] day of [...] in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty, in pursuante to Provincial Ordinance in such care made and Provided.

The Judge will not sign this Book you must send another & leave the writing for me to do— W Seaton—

Last edit about 1 year ago by Samara Cary


VERSO [blank]


Second Leaf

The Christian's Wants.

How happy, how joyful, how loving feel I to want to feel more love, yea, more love and zeal, I want my love perfect, I want my love pure. That all things with patience I well may endure ------------ I want to be little more meek and more mild More like my bless master, and more like a child. More watchful, more prayerful, more lowly in mind More thankful, more gentle more loving and kind ----------- I want to have wisdom that comes from above I want my heart filled with the purest of love My faith I want stronger, my anchor how [s]ure And like a good soldier, all hardships endure. ----------- I want to be free from all human pride, All malice & anger I would lay aside, All clamour and hatred & envy & wrath I want to escape from the snares of their path. --------- While suffering enduring, in duty believing Forgiving if any my spirit should grieve, Remembering at all times what Jesus did say, And set out anew & begin every day. --------- My treasure in heaven I want to lay up, Where moth, nor rust will ever corrupt, Where no thieves nor robbers will venture or dare, My heart & my treasures I want to be there. --------- My faith and my hope, & my love & my zeal, I want them deep rooted, & feel them within, My light I want clear, that beholders may see How faith & good works in sweet union agree. --------- My union I want with the Father & Son I want that perfected, which grace has begun, With love & sweet union that sooth every care And with my deare brethren all burthen to ba bear.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Samara Cary



Come love & sweet union to thee I do call, I want my heart fill to feel more love to yea more love to all O come my beloved, come hasten to me, And fill up my vessel as full as can be. --------- Come brethren & sisters both aged and youth And all, who are willing to walk in the truth, Come fill up your vessels with union and love, And on our bless journey, we'll joyfully move. ---------- When time is no more, from earth we'll remove, To dwell in the regions of pure light & love, With Jesus our Saviour & all holy men, We'll ring Hallelujah, forever Amen.

1. Burst ye emerald gates and bring To my raptured vision All the ecstatic joys, that springs From the bright elisian, Lo! we lift our longing eyes, Break ye intervening skies, Sun of righteousness arise Ope the gates of Paradise.

2. Floods of everlasting light, Freely flash around him, Myriads with supreeme delight Instantly adore him Angelic trump resounds his fame, Lutes of lucid gold proclaim, All the music of his name, Heaven echoing the theme.


Third leaf

3. Four and twenty Elder rise, From their princely station, Shout his glorious victoryies sing the great salvation, Cast their crowns before his throne, Cry in reverential tone, Glory be to God alone, Holy, Holy, Holy one.

4. Hark! tho Thrilling Symphony Seem, my thinks to seize us, Join we too the holy lays, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; Sweetest sound in Sepraphs songs, Sweetest note on mortal's tongues, Sweetest coral ever sung, Jesus, Jesus, flows along.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Samara Cary



Rest for the Weary.

From revival Melodies.

[musical score in 4/4 time] In the christian's home in glory, There remains a land of rest; There my Savior's gone before me, To fullfill my soul's request.

There is rest for the weary, There's rest for you. On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden,

Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you.

He is fitting up my mansion, which eternally shall stand, For my stay shall not be transient, In that holy happy land.

Pain and sickness ne'er shall enter, grief nor woe my lot shall shar But in that celestial centre, I a crown of life shall wear;

Death itself shall then be vanquish'ed And its sting shall be withdrawn; Shout for gladness, O ye ransomed - Hail with joy the rising morn.

Sing, O sing, ye heirs of glory; Shout your your triumphs as you go; Lion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance through.


Fourth Leaf.

Ohio P. M.

[musical score]

[U]pward I lift my eyes, From God is all my aid; [the] God, who built the sky, And earth and nature made: [G]od is the tower to which I fly; His grace is nigh in every hour.

[musical score in 6/4 time]

1. Shall Jesus bear the cross alone, and all the world go free;

No, there's a cross for every one, And there's cross for me.

2. How happy are the saints above, Who went sorrowing here; But now they taste umingled love, And joy without a tear

3. The consecrated cross I'll bear, Till death shall set me free; And then go home my crown to wear, For there's a crown for me

[musical score in 3/4 time]

My days are gliding swiftly by, And I a pilgrim stranger, would not detain them as they fly! Those hours of toil + danger.

For oh! we stand on Jordan strand, Our friends are passing over, And just before, the shinin shore We may almost dis cover.

We'll gird our loins, my brethren dear, Our distant [home] diserning; Our absent Lord has left us word, Let every lamp be burning. For oh! xc

Should coming days be cold and dark, We need not cease our singing; That perfect rest none can molest, Where golden harps are ringing. Let sorrow's rudest tempest blow, Each cord on earth to sever, Our King says come, and there's our home, For ever, oh! for ever. For oh we stand xc

Last edit about 1 year ago by Samara Cary
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