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Ephesians Chap. 1. Those, who dwelt in the City of Ephesus ― ------- Where is this City? ----------------- Paul paid them a short visit. Acts 18:19,20. ----------------------- A longer visit Acts 19:1, 10,18,19,20. Temple Diana 24-35. ---------------------------- Here a Church. Acts 19:9. To whom this Epistle. --------------------------- Object. To establish them in the Doctrine of grace, and direct them to that course of life, which was consistant with that doctrine. -------------------------------------- Writer. Paul. Acts 7:58. 8:1. 9. 13:9. ------------------------------ Apostle; Messenger ― Generally applied to those immediately sent by J. C. Luke 6:13. Paul Rom 1:1. ------------------------- How wonderful the grace of God! 1 Cor. 15:10. 1 Tim. 1:13,14. --------------------------- We may preach to, & pray for the vilest. ― And ---------------------- those, who feel themselves protest of sinners, may come. ---------------------------- Tto To whom written? Saints; Holy, consicrated ones. Why called so? 1 Cor. 6:19. ----------------------- Faithful; Matt. 25:23. ----------------------- At Ephesus & elsewhere. -------------------- Why to them in particular? ------------- ---------------------- --------------------- How wicked the Priests xc who withold?

Last edit 12 months ago by Samara Cary




Grace; Joy, gladness, all needful favours. ------------------------ Peace. God. Conscience; Men. God ― Such as Father & Son gives Ps. 4:6. ------------------------------------- V.3. Blessed. What? Aften called; Not make, But dec[l]re ― --------- ---------- He can bless & has blessed. --------- ---------- Spiritual blessings ― --------- Heavenly places; In the Church. Heaven itself. John 14:2. ------------------------ --------------------------------------- What reason have we to join and bless the Lord? -------------- ---------- ------------- V.4. He recounts, Election. He saw & know who among the Jews when they had the gospel sent to them xc. ------------------ V.5. He stablished it, that such as before mentioned, should be esteemed children & heirs of God. John 1:11,12. He came unto ― -------------------- Good pleasures. God did not have any creature to sit in council with him. ------------------------- V.6. Beloved is Jesus Christ. Accepted; Reconciled. He hath made us well we may say so. His grace, his Soul, Spirit, word xc ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------------------------------ V.7. In whom. The Beloved. Redemption; Deliverance from captivety & slavery ― Men in bondage to sin, Satan, law ―


Jesus Christ laid down his life; shed his blood. ----------------------- Through him forgiveness.

-------------------------------------------------- V.8. In that rich grace xc. Wisdom & prudence - good & glorious end; his glory in the salvation of souls. Best way to accomplish the end ―

-------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- V.9. Mystery; the mystirious things revealed in the gospel. First in the eternal mind - ----------- Then to patriarchs xc ----------- Now more fully to gentiles in the gospel Eph. 3:4,5. 6:19. Col. 1:25-27. --- ---- -- ----- --------- ----------- V.10 Dispensation xc; Appointed time ― All things xc. All believers. 2 Cor. 5:17. ― Not all together, now. But will be. see 1 Thess 4:/16,17 Even in Him ― ----------------------------------------- V.11. In whom. Christ ― Inheritance. Rom. 8:17. 1 Pet. 1:4,5. ― ------------------ God has not only appointed, those, who believe in Christ shall be Sons of God, V.5. But that they shall have an inheritance. --------------------- V 12. As God's grace moving cause, so his glory must be praised.

Last edit 12 months ago by Samara Cary



Remarks - May the Lord, make us savingly acquainted wth those blessings, that are brought to view in these verses. ―

--------------------- ---------------- ------------------ V:13. Addresses the believing Ephsians ― ye ― ---------------------------- W. truth ― gospl, preached A great privilege this. ---- ---- ---- They heard ―} Rom. 10:17 We must hear} ------------- Belve ― Do. But Rom 10:14. ----------------------------------------------- When heard T. & gs. hrd of Christ― Belve & trusted. "In whom" ― We should believe, to get good― -------- --------- ------ ---------- After ― Sealed = Munch assurance ― Confirmed ― Holy Spirit ― Promise } He promised - & presents prmses. -------- -------- --------------- ------- ----------------- V. 14. Inheritance, P.Possession = same; heaven ― Inh. = From Father to Children Rom. 8:16,17. ---------- Possession. Alludes to Canaan. ------------- Purchase = Blood of C. ― ------------ Redemption; Enter upon it Earnest = Part of the future glory ― What unspeakeable privilege was this? ----------- --------------- ------------ ------------------------- V.15. F. & L. = Hert religion. Col. 1:3,4. Philem. 4,5. Heard of them = For can [✝] be hid ― ------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. 16. This view of their case sat the Apostle to praising & praying. Thank ― Praise ― Cease not. Rule Enoch 6:18. 1 Thess 5:17. So he did ― Matter of his praises 13-15 Matter of prayer, 17-19.


V.17. Being he addresseth, is the glorious Father. ----------- --------- ---------- May give xc. As if he had said, In giving you the knowledge of God, may he give xc. ------------ Knowledg [| )] is acquaintˉ as the object our daily worship. We have to do ― Covenant God. Heb. 8:/11. ------------------- For the attainment, or incre- ase of this we need Spirit. of Wisdom; not Jam 3:v5. but V.17. --------------- Revealation. This needed to obtain the knowledge xc. John 1:18. 2 Cor. 4:6. ---------------------------------------- This is one of the petitions, and there things we need. ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---- ---- --- ---- ------ ----- V.18. Understanding, which are eyes to the soul ― -------------- For 4:18. Dark in natural. ---------------- His Calling; God has a Call. Hope to it;, or Blssngs to be hoped for Know; More & more acquaintd Hosea 6:3. ― ---------------------- Another petetion What the riches xc Inheritance xc. Christ has xc Rich & glorious ― Saints need to know more ― Principles, pleasures, and power ― -------------- ---------------- V.19. Certain are said to believe ― Ascribed to power of ) Prayer to it throughly ―

------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------- ---------------------- V.20. see here Christ died ― Rose ― Raisd by the power of God ― Sits at the Right hand ― ---------------------------- V.21. He is above all ------------------------------------- V.22. All under him, for the good of the Church.

Last edit 12 months ago by Samara Cary



V. 23. He must feel very tender for the Church for it is his body. ― & his fulness ―

------------------------------------------ Remarks It is equally of our privilege to have those blessings, spoken of in vs 13-19. ---------------------------------------- Let us rejoice that Jesus is at the right hand of God, to secure them to every sincere applicant. ―

-------- --------- -------- ---------- --------- Chap. 11. VS 1-10.

V.1. Dead xc. Unregenerate state, state of death ― i.e. seperation from the life of God; V.12, & 4:18. --- --- --- --- ---- Quickened; See on V.5: --------- -- --------- -------------- ----- ---------

V.2. Wherein; i,e. Sins and [trasp] - Walked; S. & S. a path ― see Maytt. 7:13. Is. 53:6. -------- ---------------------- --------------------- Course xc. See 1 John 1:15, 16. 5:19. Sinners go with the currant of this world ― -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Prince; See 2 Cor. 4:4. Matt. 12:24. His subjects are in the air ― As we say William 4th, King xc. His subjects are within that empire; but no control over tide, wave, wind xc. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Spirit; evil & unclean S. liar, murderer, decever xc ------------------- Children of dis.; unbelievers. Rom 2:/8. Worketh; See John 8:44. 1 John 3:8. -- --- - -------- --------- --------

V.3. We all; Paul & other Jewish converts, ― Flesh; Corrupt Nature ― Lusts; motions of it ― Rom. 7:5.


Desires; Wills, or choise. ------------------------ Fulfilling; gratifying the calls of ---------- ---------- Children of wrath. see V.2. Exposed to the consequences of sin. Rom. 2:4. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Thus here, as in Rom. 3:9. Such the state of all impenitent sinners. ― -- ----------------------------------------------

Vs 4-6. The change in their spiritual concerns. God ― mercy. Tis from the mercy of our God ― ---------------------------- Great love; John 3:16. 1 John 4:9,10. ----------------------------- Quickened - v.1. Deud, [her] - q. or made alive. John 5:24,25. ― --------------------------------------------------------------- With Christ; Procuring & meritorious cause ― Gal. 2:20. ----------------------------- Raised us; a sprit'l resurect. -------- Whole soul is raised to nobler objects ― God ― Soul ― Holiness ― Heaven. -------- -- --------- -- ----------- ----------------------------------- Such the happy change that takes place, when a soul is born of God. ― --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

V.7. The above show the grace & kindness. ― --------------------- Ages to come, shew1. Between Penticost and the end of the world. ― --------- 2. In eternity. ― ---------- -------------- ---------------

v.8 Grace. What? ------------ Salvˉ. What? ------------ By.} Man illdeserving & unworthy. ― --- No claim ― God under no --- obligation in justice ― --- Love & benevolence --- Love his Son xc

Last edit 12 months ago by Samara Cary
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