V. 23. He must feel very
tender for the Church
for it is his body. ― & his
fulness ―
It is equally of our pri-
vilege to have those
blessings, spoken of in
vs 13-19.
Let us rejoice that
Jesus is at the right
hand of God, to secure
them to every sincere
applicant. ―
-------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------
Chap. 11. VS 1-10.
V.1. Dead xc. Unregenerate
state, state of death ―
i.e. seperation from the
life of God; V.12, & 4:18.
--- --- --- --- ----
Quickened; See on V.5:
--------- -- --------- -------------- ----- ---------
V.2. Wherein; i,e. Sins and [trasp] -
Walked; S. & S. a path ―
see Maytt. 7:13. Is. 53:6.
-------- ---------------------- ---------------------
Course xc. See 1 John 1:15, 16. 5:19.
Sinners go with the currant
of this world ―
-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Prince; See 2 Cor. 4:4. Matt. 12:24.
His subjects are in the air ― As
we say William 4th, King xc.
His subjects are within that
empire; but no control
over tide, wave, wind xc.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Spirit; evil & unclean S. liar,
murderer, decever xc
Children of dis.; unbelievers. Rom 2:/8.
Worketh; See John 8:44. 1 John 3:8.
-- --- - -------- --------- --------
V.3. We all; Paul & other Jewish con-
verts, ―
Flesh; Corrupt Nature ―
Lusts; motions of it ― Rom. 7:5.
Desires; Wills, or choise.
Fulfilling; gratifying the calls of
---------- ----------
Children of wrath. see V.2.
Exposed to the consequences
of sin. Rom. 2:4.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Thus here, as in Rom. 3:9.
Such the state of all impeni-
tent sinners. ―
-- ----------------------------------------------
Vs 4-6. The change in their
spiritual concerns.
God ― mercy. Tis from the
mercy of our God ―
Great love; John 3:16.
1 John 4:9,10.
Quickened - v.1. Deud, [her] -
q. or made alive.
John 5:24,25. ―
With Christ; Procuring &
meritorious cause ―
Gal. 2:20.
Raised us; a sprit'l resurect.
Whole soul is raised to no-
bler objects ―
God ― Soul ― Holiness ― Heaven.
-------- -- --------- -- ----------- -----------------------------------
Such the happy change
that takes place, when a soul
is born of God. ―
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
V.7. The above show the grace
& kindness. ―
Ages to come, shew-
1. Between Penticost and
the end of the world. ―
2. In eternity. ―
---------- -------------- ---------------
Grace. What?
Salvˉ. What?
Man illdeserving & unworthy. ―
No claim ― God under no
obligation in justice ―
Love & benevolence
Love his Son xc
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