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Ephesians Chap. 1. Those, who dwelt in the City of Ephesus ― ------- Where is this City? ----------------- Paul paid them a short visit. Acts 18:19,20. ----------------------- A longer visit Acts 19:1, 10,18,19,20. Temple Diana 24-35. ---------------------------- Here a Church. Acts 19:9. To whom this Epistle. --------------------------- Object. To establish them in the Doctrine of grace, and direct them to that course of life, which was consistant with that doctrine. -------------------------------------- Writer. Paul. Acts 7:58. 8:1. 9. 13:9. ------------------------------ Apostle; Messenger ― Generally applied to those immediately sent by J. C. Luke 6:13. Paul Rom 1:1. ------------------------- How wonderful the grace of God! 1 Cor. 15:10. 1 Tim. 1:13,14. --------------------------- We may preach to, & pray for the vilest. ― And ---------------------- those, who feel themselves protest of sinners, may come. ---------------------------- Tto To whom written? Saints; Holy, consicrated ones. Why called so? 1 Cor. 6:19. ----------------------- Faithful; Matt. 25:23. ----------------------- At Ephesus & elsewhere. -------------------- Why to them in particular? ------------- ---------------------- --------------------- How wicked the Priests xc who withold?

Last edit over 1 year ago by Samara Cary
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Grace; Joy, gladness, all needful favours. ------------------------ Peace. God. Conscience; Men. God ― Such as Father & Son gives Ps. 4:6. ------------------------------------- V.3. Blessed. What? Aften called; Not make, But dec[l]re ― --------- ---------- He can bless & has blessed. --------- ---------- Spiritual blessings ― --------- Heavenly places; In the Church. Heaven itself. John 14:2. ------------------------ --------------------------------------- What reason have we to join and bless the Lord? -------------- ---------- ------------- V.4. He recounts, Election. He saw & know who among the Jews when they had the gospel sent to them xc. ------------------ V.5. He stablished it, that such as before mentioned, should be esteemed children & heirs of God. John 1:11,12. He came unto ― -------------------- Good pleasures. God did not have any creature to sit in council with him. ------------------------- V.6. Beloved is Jesus Christ. Accepted; Reconciled. He hath made us well we may say so. His grace, his Soul, Spirit, word xc ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ------------------------------ V.7. In whom. The Beloved. Redemption; Deliverance from captivety & slavery ― Men in bondage to sin, Satan, law ―


Jesus Christ laid down his life; shed his blood. ----------------------- Through him forgiveness.

-------------------------------------------------- V.8. In that rich grace xc. Wisdom & prudence - good & glorious end; his glory in the salvation of souls. Best way to accomplish the end ―

-------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- V.9. Mystery; the mystirious things revealed in the gospel. First in the eternal mind - ----------- Then to patriarchs xc ----------- Now more fully to gentiles in the gospel Eph. 3:4,5. 6:19. Col. 1:25-27. --- ---- -- ----- --------- ----------- V.10 Dispensation xc; Appointed time ― All things xc. All believers. 2 Cor. 5:17. ― Not all together, now. But will be. see 1 Thess 4:/16,17 Even in Him ― ----------------------------------------- V.11. In whom. Christ ― Inheritance. Rom. 8:17. 1 Pet. 1:4,5. ― ------------------ God has not only appointed, those, who believe in Christ shall be Sons of God, V.5. But that they shall have an inheritance. --------------------- V 12. As God's grace moving cause, so his glory must be praised.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Samara Cary
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Remarks - May the Lord, make us savingly acquainted wth those blessings, that are brought to view in these verses. ―

--------------------- ---------------- ------------------ V:13. Addresses the believing Ephsians ― ye ― ---------------------------- W. truth ― gospl, preached A great privilege this. ---- ---- ---- They heard ―} Rom. 10:17 We must hear} ------------- Belve ― Do. But Rom 10:14. ----------------------------------------------- When heard T. & gs. hrd of Christ― Belve & trusted. "In whom" ― We should believe, to get good― -------- --------- ------ ---------- After ― Sealed = Munch assurance ― Confirmed ― Holy Spirit ― Promise } He promised - & presents prmses. -------- -------- --------------- ------- ----------------- V. 14. Inheritance, P.Possession = same; heaven ― Inh. = From Father to Children Rom. 8:16,17. ---------- Possession. Alludes to Canaan. ------------- Purchase = Blood of C. ― ------------ Redemption; Enter upon it Earnest = Part of the future glory ― What unspeakeable privilege was this? ----------- --------------- ------------ ------------------------- V.15. F. & L. = Hert religion. Col. 1:3,4. Philem. 4,5. Heard of them = For can [✝] be hid ― ------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. 16. This view of their case sat the Apostle to praising & praying. Thank ― Praise ― Cease not. Rule Enoch 6:18. 1 Thess 5:17. So he did ― Matter of his praises 13-15 Matter of prayer, 17-19.


V.17. Being he addresseth, is the glorious Father. ----------- --------- ---------- May give xc. As if he had said, In giving you the knowledge of God, may he give xc. ------------ Knowledg [| )] is acquaintˉ as the object our daily worship. We have to do ― Covenant God. Heb. 8:/11. ------------------- For the attainment, or incre- ase of this we need Spirit. of Wisdom; not Jam 3:v5. but V.17. --------------- Revealation. This needed to obtain the knowledge xc. John 1:18. 2 Cor. 4:6. ---------------------------------------- This is one of the petitions, and there things we need. ---- --- ---- ----- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---- ---- --- ---- ------ ----- V.18. Understanding, which are eyes to the soul ― -------------- For 4:18. Dark in natural. ---------------- His Calling; God has a Call. Hope to it;, or Blssngs to be hoped for Know; More & more acquaintd Hosea 6:3. ― ---------------------- Another petetion What the riches xc Inheritance xc. Christ has xc Rich & glorious ― Saints need to know more ― Principles, pleasures, and power ― -------------- ---------------- V.19. Certain are said to believe ― Ascribed to power of ) Prayer to it throughly ―

------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ----------- ---------------------- V.20. see here Christ died ― Rose ― Raisd by the power of God ― Sits at the Right hand ― ---------------------------- V.21. He is above all ------------------------------------- V.22. All under him, for the good of the Church.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Samara Cary
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V. 23. He must feel very tender for the Church for it is his body. ― & his fulness ―

------------------------------------------ Remarks It is equally of our privilege to have those blessings, spoken of in vs 13-19. ---------------------------------------- Let us rejoice that Jesus is at the right hand of God, to secure them to every sincere applicant. ―

-------- --------- -------- ---------- --------- Chap. 11. VS 1-10.

V.1. Dead xc. Unregenerate state, state of death ― i.e. seperation from the life of God; V.12, & 4:18. --- --- --- --- ---- Quickened; See on V.5: --------- -- --------- -------------- ----- ---------

V.2. Wherein; i,e. Sins and [trasp] - Walked; S. & S. a path ― see Maytt. 7:13. Is. 53:6. -------- ---------------------- --------------------- Course xc. See 1 John 1:15, 16. 5:19. Sinners go with the currant of this world ― -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Prince; See 2 Cor. 4:4. Matt. 12:24. His subjects are in the air ― As we say William 4th, King xc. His subjects are within that empire; but no control over tide, wave, wind xc. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Spirit; evil & unclean S. liar, murderer, decever xc ------------------- Children of dis.; unbelievers. Rom 2:/8. Worketh; See John 8:44. 1 John 3:8. -- --- - -------- --------- --------

V.3. We all; Paul & other Jewish converts, ― Flesh; Corrupt Nature ― Lusts; motions of it ― Rom. 7:5.


Desires; Wills, or choise. ------------------------ Fulfilling; gratifying the calls of ---------- ---------- Children of wrath. see V.2. Exposed to the consequences of sin. Rom. 2:4. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Thus here, as in Rom. 3:9. Such the state of all impenitent sinners. ― -- ----------------------------------------------

Vs 4-6. The change in their spiritual concerns. God ― mercy. Tis from the mercy of our God ― ---------------------------- Great love; John 3:16. 1 John 4:9,10. ----------------------------- Quickened - v.1. Deud, [her] - q. or made alive. John 5:24,25. ― --------------------------------------------------------------- With Christ; Procuring & meritorious cause ― Gal. 2:20. ----------------------------- Raised us; a sprit'l resurect. -------- Whole soul is raised to nobler objects ― God ― Soul ― Holiness ― Heaven. -------- -- --------- -- ----------- ----------------------------------- Such the happy change that takes place, when a soul is born of God. ― --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

V.7. The above show the grace & kindness. ― --------------------- Ages to come, shew1. Between Penticost and the end of the world. ― --------- 2. In eternity. ― ---------- -------------- ---------------

v.8 Grace. What? ------------ Salvˉ. What? ------------ By.} Man illdeserving & unworthy. ― --- No claim ― God under no --- obligation in justice ― --- Love & benevolence --- Love his Son xc

Last edit over 1 year ago by Samara Cary
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