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I think it does. 1th the same phrase is used in the
20th chap. 7 v: where evedently the Lord's supper is
intended. 2nd. It is mentioned among religious ser-
vices, baptisms, doctrine, fellowship, prayers.

The next question is, who were the communicans? Persons baptized + united into a gospel Church.
Some of them, previously baptized and embodied;
viz, the 120, who were of one accord, and met in one
place. Acts 1:14. 2:1. and others, who, that day believed and
where baptized and added, amonting to 3,000.

There can be no doubt, but this is the body, that is called
the Church in the 47 v. of this chap. also in 5:33. [8]:1.
And no consistant Baptist, I think, can deny, that
it was a Baptist Church. Not, that it bore the name;
but that it the had the doctrine + practice of re
now maintained by the Regular Baptist Chhs.

2ndly. They steadfast in doctrine. That which the Apos-
tles taught respecting Christ, and repentance,
and faith and Baptism, they received, and receiving
they united with them.

3rdly. Fellowship of the Apostles. Joint interest, partner-
ship. They were such, that were, and continued
to be in joint interest with the Apostles.—

4thly. Prayers. Not, merely, were they praying persons
but they prayed togetheyr.


Acts 20:7. And on the first day of the week, when
the disciples were came together to break bread xc.

1. Here are disciples. That they were such persons
as had received the word gladly, and had been
baptized, I presume, no Baptist will deny.
See John 4:1. Acts 19:1-3.—

2. Nothing is said here, about, that these disciples
constituting a chh. yet there can be little
doubt, but they were the Chh. at Troas. I came
to this conclussion, by comparing this passage
with Acts 2:42. There, the communicans were
persons denominated. the Chh. and who were in
the estimation other, steadfast in doctrine
and fellowship, as well as breaking of bread and
prayers. It is, therefore, reasonable to sup-
pose, that other communicans, in the Apos-
tolic churches, were after the same pattern.

IV. 1 Cor. 10:16,17. No question, but communion at the
Lord's Table is, here, intended. The communicans
are said to be one bread, one body. The
question, are who are intended? Believers indis-
criminately? No, is the answer of all parties.
Who then?

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