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What are gospel terms of communion at the Lord's Table?
I think the safest way of answering this question, is by
an examination of those places in the N. T., Where the
subject of communion at the Lord's Table is found.
1. Matt. 26:26, 27. "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and
blessed it, and broke it, and gave to the disciples, and said,
take eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and
thanks, and gave it to them, saying; Drink ye all of it."
Mark 12,:22,23. is a Paralell.

Luke 22:19,20. is also Paralell, except there, it is said
my body, which is given for you; this do in remembrance
of me; and this cup is the N. T. in my blood.

These verses give the original institution of the
communion. Had we nothing, subsequently,
in the N. T. as to what appears to have been the unders-
tanding and practice of the Apostles in this mat-
ter, we must, I think, have come to the conclussion,
that the only communicans, should be such baptized
Disciples, who were ministers of the word, and that
the admistrator should be the person presiding in
their assembly. But I suppose, that these minis-
ters of the word, received, at this time, their com-
mission on this subject, and their practice
and writtings, were to develope to us, the mind
of the Lord on the same. 2. I proceed next to,
Acts 2:41,42. Then they that gladly received the word xc
The first question, that arises here, is does the phrase
"breaking of bread," in the 42 vrs, mean the Lord's supper?

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