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It will greatly promote the usefulness of
family wors. to conduct in such a man-
ner as to interest the whole family. To this
end let the scriptures be read in course,
this will prevent the loss of time, as every
[one] will know the portion that comes

Let the whole family read one by one this one
this will fix the attention, and thus each will
be employed, and not be an idle spectator. It is a right,
brethren, upon which Angels must rejoice, to see
a family receiving instruction from the
word of the Lord. This will be a house indeed
serving the Lord. Thus will the Godly pursuit
be performing that duty which is recorded
in Psal. 78:5-8.

To keep up the interest of the family be
not tedious in the devotional exercises of
the family. Let the portion of scriptures
read be short, and do not weary out the
patience of the family with a long for-
mal prayer; remember that God is
in heaven, and thou upon earth, therefor
let thy words be few. Observe the oc-
currences of Providence, that are passing
either in your own house, or around.
you, that you may be furnished with,
interesting variety in supplications,
thanks givings + praise.

Let fam. wor. ever appear, brethren, to be
an employment in which you delight.
Let it not appear, that you are drove to
it, in that case you will not have a
blessing; but let it appear, that you are
sweetly drawn to this duty, that you
love it, and that you meet with great
loss wh were you deprived of it.


Habituate yourselves to think of those seasons
as among your sweetest moments; Moments
when you sat as in a heavenly place
in Christ Jesus.

Again, Brn. give to this exercise the best
portions of every day; that is attend to
it when the mind is most fresh and vigorous.
Give it priority to the main business of the
day. Let not the family become scattered
in the morning, before God has been ac-
knowleged in readings + prayer --
In the evening, delay it not Brn. till the
family becomes drowsey, and one half
have retired, but secure the time when
the duty may be attended to, in a manner
most free from sleep. In this way
Brn. you will be able to rise and shine;
and every day you will manefest that
your light is come, and the glory of the Lord
is risen upon you. Oh, brethren let your
light shine in this way. Be punctual, be fervent,
be regular in family worship, and we
are persuaded that your souls will receive
the comfort, your family will be ben-
efitted, the church strengthened, and
the community at large, the gainers.

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