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You look for our annual epistle,
hoping, that it will contain something which will
direct you to secure present comfort, and to
ripen for the heavenly glory. We hope you
will not look in vain, nor be disappoint in
your hope. In hope to promote your spiri-
tual goal, Brethren, we call your attention
to the duty of FAMILY WORSHIP.

We mean by this [prosteticly] openly, and constantly
acknowledging God in your houses, in
acts of devotion. As for the scriptural author
ity of this duty ye have not read, that we
should write unto you. Search the scrip-
tures, and you will find, that they tes-
tify of this Duty. Concerning Abraham,
God testifies, Gen. 18:19. I know him, that he
command his children and his house after him.
And the result of this command is, that they
would keep the way of the Lord &c. An
evident indication, that Abraham openly
acknowledged God in his family, and sought
to train his family in the fear of God. Which
training, being on religious principles, was
an act of worship. The language of the
venerable Joshua, remains a lasting
memorial of family devotion. Josh.
24:15. "As for me and my house, one will
serve the Lord." This godly man was
not content with secretly believing in
God, and worshiping him, but he would
have his family, unite, as far as parental
instruction and influence would go.
Job's offering sacrifices for his children
is another instance of a good man
acknowledging God in his family. The
offering of sacrifices, was the accustomed

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