Society convened as usual. The motion respecting censors was negatived by a large majority. Money matters were brought upon but being busy with a communication to the Society did not attend to them. I believe we agreed to pay debts, which, to be sure, is very honourable. Fined Brothers Henry and Chadwick each 25. cts for absence. Brothers Blaisdell and [Alverd] 25 cts each for Compositions, and Brother Boyd 75 cts for oration A communication from Arkansaw Territory, from Mr. Finney, our much distant correspondent, defered till next week. Exercises were read and Society adjourned till next week. also chose a Committee to call upon the government and get the assignments made to the Society.
Attest. Jno. F. Emerson. Secy.
Society meet according to adjournment, and proceeded to the initition of the following gentlemen of the Sophmore Class.
Charles Hopkins F. Shepard. Charles G. Safford. Jonathan F. Worcester William Boyden Elisha Jenny
B.G. Baldwin Abel Patten Jno. K. Converse Thomas C Hale.
and the following gentlemen of the Freshmen class.
Samuel Swasey Gideon J. Dowe. Peter Clark. Varnum Noyes. Benj. Labaree. Edward Mitchell
W. T. Boutwell C. C. Marsh. M. White Danl. Perly E. F. Greenough. ----------------------
All things were done decently and without disorder. Heard the exercises read for next meeting and adjourned till next wednesday.
Attest. Jno. F. Emerson. Secy.
Society met as usual, and heard the exercises performed. Delinquents were pursued and overtaken. Brother Fletcher was anathematised for a performance. One Brother made the motion, another upturned it as usual with a little addition to show his zeal, and power of shouting. If after ages wish to know how we spend out time in meeting; Let them know, that a set of manglers and disputers occupy that time which should be devoted to nobler & literary subjects. Exercises read for next meeting, and Society adjourned till they meet agai-
Attest. Jno. F. Emerson Sec.y.