Thomas Chadbourne - Lecture Notes


Thomas Chadbourne (1790–1864) began his medical studies with his father. In 1811, he traveled to Hanover, New Hampshire to continue his studies as the private student of Dr. Nathan Smith (a co-founder of Dartmouth Medical School) and Dr. Cyrus Perkins (a professor of anatomy and surgery at Dartmouth College). Chadbourne graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1814 and worked as a physician in Concord, New Hampshire until his death in 1864.

This notebook contains notes taken by Chadbourne from a medical lecture by Dr. Smith (1762-1829). Subjects covered include Fever, Rheumatismus, Consumption, Cholera, Hysteria and Tetanus.


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Vault Smith /. 25 50 Thomas 75

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Notes taken from Dr Smiths lectures. - [1815?]

Diseases are naturally divided into general & local. They are again divided into those affecting the [sanguiferous?], Absorbent, Bron Bronchial, [Chils-portis?], Nervous, Urinary Lymphatic, Cellular, [Loio-motive?] systems; to which may be added the system of bones. - Each of these systems in which the human body is naturally divided is subject to peculiar diseases & require a particular mode of treatment. In administering to the cure of diseases we first try to find the [sort?] of the disease, we examine the state of each of [each?] of the systems in sumission. If we fine a strong, full & regular pulse, the disease is not in the [sanguiferous?] system: Should the powers & facultiies of the mind be unimpaired we are satisifed the nervous system is not affected. should we find the digestive organs in a healthy action, no flatulence nausia

Last edit about 1 month ago by Jeremy Mikecz
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[??], we think the disease is not in the Chylo[portis?] system, should we find any signs of strangury, [where?] high coloured & in small quantity or otherwise deviating from the healthy standard, we suspect the [sort?] of the disease to be in the genital system, & administer [midwine?] having a peculiar action on that system. The Sanguiferous system includes the heart arteries & veins. Inflammation is the most simple affection of this system, & is divided into two kinds, [Emsiphilatous?] & phlegmonous. The former is [sorted?] superficially & attacks the skin, the latter the cellular substance & [dupsiated?] parts. - Emsiphilatous inflammation begins with a slight redness of the part & gradually extends more or less over the surface of the body & is peculiarly liable to terminate in gangrene. All wet appli -cations (except the fermenting poultice) I believe are hurtful in this disease. Dry [?rower?] or any absorbent powder sprinkled on the part, or what perhaps is bitter, [bath?] of wool filled

Last edit 29 days ago by aspenc
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[...] flower applid to the heart - is all that is need-ful. If the inflammation runs[?] high bleed-ing may be necessary. Should blood spot appear & [?? ????] gangrene we apply the fomenting poultice meds as follows. -

Ry - Any quantity of benly, boil + thicken with flower, then then spread on a cloth about one inch thick, then add quart to the surface of the poultice to pro[duce] fermentation, & apply it about blood [warm?]. -

This should be kept on about on about [12 or 17] hours, during which time on abundance of [carbonie] and gas will be [evolved]. I have an idea that blisters would be an useful application in this course in order to under a new action in the heart.

Phlegmonous inflamation is deeper[] not so apt to [terminate] in gangrene, but usually by [seperation?] or resolution. Sugar of [???] has long been a favourite remdy for inflammation but I think it very seldom does any good, & very often

Last edit 29 days ago by aspenc
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