(35) tagron - obtained by common salt and Sulphuric acid, or Nitric acid from Nitrate of potash - Pt to be [sheeted] every day also change the bedlinning - floor washed with soapsuds - Wine may be given in latter stage of fever, white best as Sherry, medeira, - Bark permicious if given too early lends to increase local ? [deran] [?] ℥i in 1 1/2 pint water steeped to a pint, dose one table spoonful every 2, 3, 4, or 5 hora Opium [&] wine may be given at stage Laud. [&]. - Restlessness caused by irritation, removed by Camphor as well as opium - Camphor Gm Arabic [&] water every 2-3 or 4 hours - Camphor Gr. 5 to 15 every 3 or 4 hours, removes nervous irritation- Keep in view to [obrerate] local tendencies by blisters, formentations [&]. -
(36) Equalise excitement, seldom necessary to give metalic tonics Beef Steak rare done swallowing only the juice, good for convalescense - attend to the quantity more than the quality - mild emitics of [Sprear] often necessary merely to empty the stomach -
13.. L. ... Cullen has 3 forms of Fever - Synacha, Synashirs [&] Typhus - Some think fever in a unit - In some cases of continuid fever, is a great discharge of Bile - also Diarrhaea - should satisfy ourselves whether it arises from bile, or an increased secretion of mucous from the intestinal tube - in the former case give saline bathartics, in the latter Astringents, as Alum, Herio, Chalk Julap Alum 3,4,or 5 gr. with 1/4 or 1/3 gr of opium, once in two hora - Some Diarrhaea seem to be critical, should not be checked
(37) often is hemorage from the intestinal tube, but in this case pt often nervous - Give mild sahim bathartics - Calomul has been recommended, is not any better give Suphuric acid for 8 days Mureatic Acid, Elixis bitecol 3,4, or 5 days - Hemorrhage from the nose use pressure, batton introduced into the nose Sulphuric or Mureatic Acid - If Hemorrhage from the lungs give sugar of Lead Gr, 3,4 or 5 every 20 minutes - Nauseating doses good, as small doses of [Sperae], less debilitating than Tar. Ant. - A putrid tendency often to be met with in fever, Exhalations fetid, mouth [&] tongue covered - Discharges from the bowels fetid [&] dark colored - Char - coal good remedy, gr, 20 to 60 4 to 6 times a day, - Carbonic acid with water good zest is used - Prognosis- favorable Symptoms - Sleepy state if easily roused -
(38) Deafness mild Delirium the 2nd week not alarming, thin warm sweat, moist tongue, mild Diarrhoea indecates a return of the functions of the intestines - Pulse not above 110, tho' have known a recovery after 180 - Respiration easy & natural - Unfavourable Symptoms Inequality of excitement, - Prosration of stregth at the commencement indicateing loss of nervose power - inclining to lie on the back, or slipping to the foot of the bed, drawing up the lower limbs indicates peretoneal inflammation - Tremors Hiccaugh indicate Debility & irritability - Relaxation of the sphincter muscles - anable to swallow - laborious Respiration - Delirium with [geomy cercumstams] Pt thinking himself well Pulse intermitting Spots indceating [deficcency] of nervous energy - Red not so bad as darker - Discharge of blood from intestines
(39) [Mr ine] discharged with difficulty and in small quantities Eyes fixed, sunk, rolling, squintting, dull, or glassy, Clammy [?] - To check inoderate sweating - use tonics, Bark acids -
14 .. L..... Contagion - Some think actual contack necessary perhaps carried too far -
Small Pox [&] Measles produced by efflureia from the lungs as well as matter from the surface, supposed not to be artive tile after erruption origin of Contagion abserve more contageous diseases known now than formerly Leprosy used to bureail amont the Jews not frequent now - Confinement of healthy animal effluria is supposed to cause Contagion - Fever among poor people often becomes [pestibutial]