(20) [Tinea Capitis] too suddenly repressed had caused caugh & Consumption -- Sym. between the Kidney & Skin cold to the skin encreases the UrineBetween the Liver & Skin, as red [cheek] or an [eruption] on the face is some affection of the Liv. - Between the Soles of the feet and head, as cold to the feet produces headachs - Between the Breasts & Uterus, as pain and swelling duringpregnan cy - Irritation of a Stone in the neck of the Bladder caus es pain at the extemety of the Urethra -- Between the Skin & Artereal system as cold stops hemorrhags - Continnous Sympathy extends from point to point in the same [Structure] -
(21) Contiguows from one organ to another --
8th L . . Fever
Continued Fever a paroxysm od Intermerrent, is a [spcrrmen] of all others - Some mak 2 Stages others 3 - if 2 is cold & hotif 3 add sweatting - Symp- toms, languor, restlessness loss of strength, inclination to change the position of the body, muscles move slow, Animal functions impaird, mind operates slowly, cannot fix it long on one subject, sensation of cold sometimes first symptom sensibility is demineshed, respiration diffi cult, [weeght & fulness] at the lungs --
(22) Blood is accumulated to the lungs [receding] from the surdace - Organs of Organic [life affected], pulse weak, frequent, ofthen irregular Secretion dimminished, as is indicated by dry tongue, mouth & skinSkin pale also goose-like appearance, owing to a depression between the hairs from a [receding] of the fluids - Urim small in quantity, pale, Constipation of the bowels, less secretion of mucaus - heavy dull pain in the back by a [diminution] of muscular or nervous power as is experienced after great fatigue - pain abouth the eyes & head in the cold stage, like that in general debility and nervous irritability - [meddle] of the tongue often covered with mucous, sometimes a dark colored brown or white crust
(23) Junctions of the stomach [?] as often loathing of food or vomiting - particular expression of [conntinaum]; muscles of the [farr] relaxed, or not under command - Above are the principal symptoms of the cold stage- tempurature has been reduced to 92 [degree symbol]
9th L. - Fever continued, [lontin], [?] of the cold stage uncertain , as it goes off certain parts at first ful that, at length [Liat] ensues - the sensation of the pt does not agree with the bystanders - if cold lie applied before the heat li general the [cots magr] is produced, - Temperature at kas ruses to 103[degree symbol] a 105 - bold is greatful to the pt check often flushed, Turniea Conjunctiva turgid - If tumours existed, they are [eniveass]
(24) by increase of circulation - pulse increased in fastness + strength sometimes in frequency - fre quency of the pulse not an exact index of the quantity of fever, in same pt it is slower - the secretions are diminished, in the hot stage same as in the cold - urine high colored - nausea + vomiting usually subside - loathing continues Respiration more frequent, not so different - sensibility returns is often increased as the Eye + Ear - muscular power enfeebled also the mind - ordinary objects produce unusual impressions, sleep desturbed by frightful dreams, indicate [communument] of delirium - [Jss] continued fever, hot stage may be said to last several days Symptoms of brisis are sweat on the forhead,[]