(5) Asthma ℞ Gm [Ammo] Gm [Sag] [apemme,] [Assafortida] āā ʒi, [Aqua] ℥ vii,[oxymel of Sqults] ℥ i, antimo [nial Meine] ℥ ii, Panegonic ℥ iii - Take from 2 to 4 table-spoonfuls every 2, 4, or 6 [houac] Do. 96 also a teaspoonful of [al Neslatile] in water good D 95
Aphthae are an inflammatory afliction of the Glands of the mucous membranes Catarrhs are an inflammation of the whole membrane Biechal on Mem p.76
Bones, Cartilages, Tendons Ligaments - possess two digrees of [sensibility, one] called Relative, the other Organic, [former sufers impress] ions the the Brain or[Senparcim] [cammum]
(6) making the animal sensible of it. the other is confined to the organ producing no sensation to the Animal But if the latter be much [eneniasd] it produces the former Do. p95
Ligaments may be cut or torn without giving sensation - But if stretched the cause great sensation Do p.120
After the application of the dress ing to the fractured Limbs, swellings often arise and small Blisters open the Blisters & apply [semple cerate] -- Desault Surgy. p. 159
For [Luos] Veneria - use Mer cury in form of an Ointment or Pill - [Letrerated] Mathias an mercurial [Duian] p. 185
(7) Bleeding good to check a violent [Ptyalism] Do. p. 239
The absorbing orifices of [soraus] surfaces sometimes bathe whole [mouths] in the fluid of Dropsies without imbibing any portion of it. But leth the action of [Tonies], or the effort of nature exalt their [sensi-] bility, it places itself in equolibrio with the fluid, and absorption takes place. Phisiological Researchs p. 75
[Paracentesis]for Ascites - The [punc]- ture should be made half way between the umbilicus & pubis may be done with Lancet, using Goosequill for a Canula Dr. [Mussey Lut. 1815] in [Serofulous affutions] - DO
(8) Meadow Saffron, or Colchicum autumnale, is an infalleble Remedy for the Gout. Taken in infusion of water or Tincture. Dose two [drachms] or two ordinary teaspoonfuls with oth the [Tad] or infuson - Eclectic [Repertory] for July 1815 White Hellebor is thought by some to be the [french] Remedy - has not found it successful Do
(9) Symptoms of Concussion of the brainThree stages -1st Insensibility and derangement of the bodily powers, immedeatily after the accident while it lasts the Pateint [scearccly] feels any injury that may be inflicted on him. His breathing is difficult, generally without sturtor, pulse intermitting, Extremmiteis cold. 2nd Stage - Pulse & Respiration become better - feeling so far restored that he is sensible if the skin be pinched, but he lies stupid, inattentive to slight im pressions, he is in short like a man in a heavy sleep - 3rd Stage inflammation of th organ -- Treatment - antiphlagistic, [Bleed, bathartise, Bleiter.]
Symptom of Compression - Insensibility [acording to the]pressur Pupil dilated, cannot be made to con tract even by strong light, Respiration slow & sterterous --