James Batcheller Medical Notebook - "Extracts from Doct. Mussey's Lectures delivered at Hanover", 1816

James Batcheller was born on June 5, 1791, in Royalston, Massachusetts. He attended schools and academies in his native town and then taught school in Pennsylvania for two years. He attended Dartmouth Medical School from which he received his M.D. in 1819. In 1818, he moved to Marlborough and established a medical practice. Batcheller was also a politician and was chosen as a representative and senator to the General Court of New Hampshire. From 1850-1851, he was a delegate to the convention to revise the Constitution of New Hampshire. In addition, Batcheller was a zealous advocate of the cause of abstinence. In 1855, he moved to Fitzwilliam, Massachusetts, where he died on April 14, 1866.


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(5) Asthma ℞ Gm [Ammo] Gm [Sag] [apemme,] [Assafortida] āā ʒi, [Aqua] ℥ vii,[oxymel of Sqults] ℥ i, antimo [nial Meine] ℥ ii, Panegonic ℥ iii - Take from 2 to 4 table-spoonfuls every 2, 4, or 6 [houac] Do. 96 also a teaspoonful of [al Neslatile] in water good D 95

Aphthae are an inflammatory afliction of the Glands of the mucous membranes Catarrhs are an inflammation of the whole membrane Biechal on Mem p.76

Bones, Cartilages, Tendons Ligaments - possess two digrees of [sensibility, one] called Relative, the other Organic, [former sufers impress] ions the the Brain or[Senparcim] [cammum]

Last edit 3 months ago by Katharine Bepler
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(6) making the animal sensible of it. the other is confined to the organ producing no sensation to the Animal But if the latter be much [eneniasd] it produces the former Do. p95

Ligaments may be cut or torn without giving sensation - But if stretched the cause great sensation Do p.120

After the application of the dress ing to the fractured Limbs, swellings often arise and small Blisters open the Blisters & apply [semple cerate] -- Desault Surgy. p. 159

For [Luos] Veneria - use Mer cury in form of an Ointment or Pill - [Letrerated] Mathias an mercurial [Duian] p. 185

Last edit 3 months ago by Katharine Bepler
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(7) Bleeding good to check a violent [Ptyalism] Do. p. 239

The absorbing orifices of [soraus] surfaces sometimes bathe whole [mouths] in the fluid of Dropsies without imbibing any portion of it. But leth the action of [Tonies], or the effort of nature exalt their [sensi-] bility, it places itself in equolibrio with the fluid, and absorption takes place. Phisiological Researchs p. 75

[Paracentesis]for Ascites - The [punc]- ture should be made half way between the umbilicus & pubis may be done with Lancet, using Goosequill for a Canula Dr. [Mussey Lut. 1815] in [Serofulous affutions] - DO

Last edit 3 months ago by Katharine Bepler
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(8) Meadow Saffron, or Colchicum autumnale, is an infalleble Remedy for the Gout. Taken in infusion of water or Tincture. Dose two [drachms] or two ordinary teaspoonfuls with oth the [Tad] or infuson - Eclectic [Repertory] for July 1815 White Hellebor is thought by some to be the [french] Remedy - has not found it successful Do

Last edit 3 months ago by Katharine Bepler
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(9) Symptoms of Concussion of the brainThree stages -1st Insensibility and derangement of the bodily powers, immedeatily after the accident while it lasts the Pateint [scearccly] feels any injury that may be inflicted on him. His breathing is difficult, generally without sturtor, pulse intermitting, Extremmiteis cold. 2nd Stage - Pulse & Respiration become better - feeling so far restored that he is sensible if the skin be pinched, but he lies stupid, inattentive to slight im pressions, he is in short like a man in a heavy sleep - 3rd Stage inflammation of th organ -- Treatment - antiphlagistic, [Bleed, bathartise, Bleiter.]

Symptom of Compression - Insensibility [acording to the]pressur Pupil dilated, cannot be made to con tract even by strong light, Respiration slow & sterterous --

Last edit 3 months ago by Katharine Bepler
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