|Splenitis |82 |- Chonic form of |83 |Lyncope |100 |Shingles |59 |Tetanus |103 |Sweating to cheeks |39 |Salivation to cheek |110
To render Leather imperveous to water - Tallow tb 1/2 melted in an earthen pot Hogs lard tb 1/4 Spirits of Turpentine ℥ii Bees wax ℥ii melted [&] stirred thorough ly together - when you apply it dry the shoes [&] warm the mixture to 85 - rub it on with a cloth the cloth [&] shoes to be warm - this will render them water tight - Dec. 1818, Dart. Dana
Bleaching - Gm Shell Lac ℥iii, Venice Turpentine ℥ifs Ivory Black ℥1 Alcohol 1 pint, mix the shellac and turpentine [&] dissolve, then add the alcohol [&] I. black - This renders the leather hard [&] liable to crack Dr. Dana
Liquid Blacking containing ol. vitriol spoils the leather - The best blacking I know of is is made of Bees wax ℥1 dissoved in two tablespoonfuls of Sweet oil mix with Brown Sugar ℥4 this should be well incorporated, to this add vinegar 1 quart in which is put Ivory Black ℥8 on which is pr???a little Cream Rum to kill it as it is [termed] - - - Dr. Dana
Incredible Ink Dissolve Nitrate of Silver ʒ4 in rain or river water ℥4 and when the solution is clear add 60 drops of an infusion of galls, made by pouring a gill of boiling water on ℥ii of powdered galls - Dissolve one ounce of Pearlash in four ounces of water, let the solution become clear - The article to be marked must be impregnated with this solution, and well dried before it is impressed with the ink -
Dewey's First ℞ Gecaiacum ℥ii All spin ℥fs Aqua Ammonia ℥fs Soda ℥ii Brandy one pint. Dose- tablespoonful in a gill of milk (Spearmint tea will answer) before breakfast and dinner
In Fluor Albus - there is invariably Pain and sense of weakness in the Back [&] Loins - Dinmon [P. e] Pale yellow complexion a Feverish desposition wasting of the flesh - Pt becomes Hecetic or Luccaphlegmatic Appetite impaird - So, Do,
Myrrh - mixture for Consumption by Dr. Twitchell - 1818 ℞ Myrrh ʒiii Carbonat Potash ʒifs Sulphate of Iron ʒifs - Loaf Sugar ℥i [&] one Nutmeg - Pulverise and drop upon the mixture Oil of Peppermint 12 drops Then put the whole into half a pint of water, and rub in a mortar thoroughly. Dose a tablespoonful before eating three times a day
Ink - ℞ Sulphas Ferre ℥ iii Gm. Arabic ℥i Nutgalls ℥i Lag-wood ℥i - made with water -
Vol, Nut Galls Bruised tbfs. Vinegar - tbifs. M. Keep these warm for 24 [hours] then add Sulphate Iron ℥iii Gm Arabic ℥ii
Pill for nervous Fits - R. Assafoetida ʒii Aloes - Do. oil of Amber 60 gutta make into pills - dose 1 or 2 - two or 3 times a day Dr. Twitchell
Infusion of Nutgalls a remedy for excessive Vomiting - and also for large doses of opium or morphine Med. Journal Vol.54 Page 357