Dorsey's Caoper 2[volms] Baudeleque's Miswifery Abernathy on L[arah Diseas] Hammilton on Purgatives Willan on the Skin Rush's Inquiries 4 vol. [bonvisart's] Essay on diseases of the H[] Thacher's modern Practice Maclean on Hydro[thoras] Paris Pharmacologia Phillip on Indegestion Bigelow's [Leged] Scofield on Cow-pock Gibson's [] 2 Vols. [] [Boyers] Lung 2 Vols.
(1) Metastasis often takes place in consequens of a similarity in the stucture of the parts Dr. Smith
The Liquor amnii does not afford nourishmint to the Faetus Richerand's Phy. P. 413
The Liquor amnii is secreted by the Amnion - Do. P. 416
So hurtful is the air and temperature to all parts below the cuticle, that nothing is a more certain cause of ganrene than this expossure, even for a [?] Short space of time -- air is very bad in cases of burns [&] - Brown's 9th P.372
The voiding bloody urine in any malignant disease is a very danger - ous symptom - Thomas. 224
(2) The coagulable part of the blood is very prone to be converted into a living substance - - Cooper on the Joints p. 39
P - P - P - P - P P Aqueous fluid in the joint always yeild to blistering on the part afterwards Savim Cerate assisted by Bandage - Do. 56
A form of the external application of Murias Ammoniae ℞ Nua AMna ʒi Acidum Acetosum ℥ ii Aqua ℥vi Recommended for Gangrene - Bell on Ulcers p. 77
Sometimes dangerus consequenses ensue from healing or drying up old Ulcers Da p. 88
(3) If a Bone that has been denied ed retain its natural appearance until the 4th day, there is but little danger of Caries ensuing Do. p. 162
Appeance of a Carious Bone It turns first a pale white, [&] then gets a slight tinge of yellow becomes brown, at last black with numerous foramina, also a fattish like fetid matter may be found out Do. 162-3
To remove the Fetor of morbid bones apply a Decoction of pm Bark [&] Walnut Leaves, or a solution of Camphor in weak Brandy - Do. 175
A proper Solution of [Cor. [symbol]] Sub. for a wash ℞ [bar] Sub.Gr. 10 water ℔ 1 - Do p. 217
(4) Enema of Tobacco ℥ ii to pint of water Bells [of ? Surgery] Volm 1 P. 187
Anehylasis in consequence of white - thinks is caused by preternatural contraction of the Muscles [&] Tendons - Emolleints good Do. P. 281 Bell on Ulcers.
Rub the parts with warm olive oil best emollient Do -
Mucilage of Gm. Arabic ℞ ℥i Gm. Ari Warm Water ℥iii Thomas Hayes on Colds [&] p. 27
Four drops of Antimonial Wine and ten of Sweet Spirit of Netar taken in any Liquid 3 or 4 times a day-good to reduce the fever in Hooping Cough Do. 88
For the Paroxism in hooping cough ℞ Gr. 10 taken in Sugar 3 or 4 times a day good - Do 91