James Batcheller Medical Notebook - "Extracts from Doct. Mussey's Lectures delivered at Hanover", 1816

James Batcheller was born on June 5, 1791, in Royalston, Massachusetts. He attended schools and academies in his native town and then taught school in Pennsylvania for two years. He attended Dartmouth Medical School from which he received his M.D. in 1819. In 1818, he moved to Marlborough and established a medical practice. Batcheller was also a politician and was chosen as a representative and senator to the General Court of New Hampshire. From 1850-1851, he was a delegate to the convention to revise the Constitution of New Hampshire. In addition, Batcheller was a zealous advocate of the cause of abstinence. In 1855, he moved to Fitzwilliam, Massachusetts, where he died on April 14, 1866.


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{Gift of Mrs. James MacKaye Vault Bacheller}

James Batcheller's Royalston ..... County of Worcester State of Massachusetts [...] ust ... A. D... 1816

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I commenced the study of Physic with my Brother at Royalston June 1st 1815

Catalogue of medical books which I have perused

Cheseldon's Anatomy Haller's Physiology Bell's Anatomy 4 vols in 2 Thacher's Dispensatory Lagrange's Chemistry Conversations on Chemistry Henry's __ Chemistry Cullen's Materia Medica Cullen's first Lines of the practice of Physic 2 vols Townsend's Guide to Health

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Bell's Surgery 4 Vols Trotter's Nautical Diseases Hamilton's Midwifery Hunter on the Blood Rush on the Yellow Fever Sydenham's Works 2 Vols Institutions of Medicine by Cullen Underwood on diseases of Children Saunders on the Liver Burns's Obstetrical Works Darwin's Zoonomia 2 vol Domestic Medicine by Buchan Wilson on Febrile diseases 2 vol Anatomical Examinations Fyfe's Anatomy 2 vol Thomas's Practice Richerand's Physiology Brown's Elements of Medicine

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Engravings of the Arteries by Charles Bell A Treatise on the Teeth by Benjamin James, M. M. S. S. Charles Bell's Operative Surgery2 vols Cooper on the Joints Bell on Ulcers Treatment of Caughs [Con] [sumptions] by Thad Hayes Rush on the Mind. Biahat on the Membranes Meethieis on Me[niania] Desanlts Surgery Surgical Observations on injuries of the head by John Abernathy F. R S. Denman's Midwifery Bard's Compendium of Mis Observations on Abortion by John Burns Baillie[ss] Morbid Anatomy Parkinson's medical Admonetions

Last edit about 1 month ago by Katharine Bepler
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