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186 40 1116 83
APR 24 1929 Mrs. Mary Jane Reynolds E. Half Lot #29 37 50
MAY 1- 1929 Brown Co. 22 50
Cumberland County Pr. & Lt. Co. 16 50
Elec. Bond Share 15 00
MAY 2- 1929 Mrs. Henry J. Trachier Lot #300 a 75
H. P. Whitfield Bal. W. Half Lot 57a 20
MAY 28 1929 Mary E. [Pouice] Single Grave Lot #242 5
MAY 29 1929 U. S. Steel 21 00
JUN 5- 1929 Thos. H. MacDonald W. half Lot #299a 37 50
JUN 11 1929 C. E. Bolston W. half lot #62a 50
JUL 1- 1929 Boston & Maine 5 25
JUL 6- 1929 Omaha & Council Bluffs 30
JUL 22 1929 From Sav. a/c #21054 100
JUL 30 1929 Parker - Young 32 50
Delwaware Water 25
AUG 1- 1929 Conn & Pass. 9
Elec. Bond & Sh. 15
Cumberland County Pr. & Lt. 16 50
Brown Co. 22 50
AUG 19 1929 Mrs. Edwin Bridge Lot #299 50
Stephen Laming on a/c The E. Half #295 10
AUG 31 1929 U. S. Steel 21 00
SEP 5- 1929 B. & M. 7% Prior Pref 65
SEP 6 1929 Mrs. T. Monahan Lot 339 30
SEP 9- 1929 From Sav a/c #21054 100
SEP 30 1929 do do 200
OCT 2- 1929 Boston & Maine 5 25
Sept 4- No Car Jt Stock 25
OCT 8- 1929 Mrs. J. A. Williams Lot #261 25

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