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694 71 75 69 88
OCT 15 1928 Liberty Bond 10 63
OCT 16 1928 L. A. [Brom] - for logs 20
OCT 22 1928 Loan - D. N. Bank 100
NOV 1 1928 Brown Co 6% 22 50
Cumberland County Pr. & Lt. 16 50
NOV 13 1928 Elizabeth Wells Est. Lot #78. a Perpetual Care 100 E
NOV 28 1928 U. S. Steel 21
JAN 2- 1929 Perley R. Bugbee Perpetual E. Half Lot #309 100 E
Conner Laycock E. Half Lot #678 50
Wm R. Gray - E. Half 52 a 1/2 new Lot 50
JAN 3- 1929 Boston & Maine 5 25
Omaha & Council Bluffs 30
JAN 3- 1929 Malcolm McDonald Lot #62. B. 100
JAN 4- 1929 Percy Bartlett Lot # 52 B. 100
John M. Piane Est Half Lot #57a 50
JAN 8- 1929 Ashley K. Hardy W Half Lot #57B 50
Colin C Stewart lot #63 100
JAN 15 1929 H. M. Kingsford W. Half Lot #52A 50
JAN 31 1929 Delaware Water Co. 25
Parker - Young Co. 32 50
FEB 1- 1929 Brown Co. 22 50
Cumberland Co. Pr. & Lt. 16 50
Conn. & Passumpsic 9
FEB 9- 1929 special End - Herbert S. Perley Lot #364 [from sin Genny Perley]
Installment from Homer Whitford 10
H. H. Preston single grave in Lot #242 5
FEB 20 1929 John J. Hutchins Lot #340 75
[Em] 9/4. No. Carolina Jt St L ([Tax] included) 15 00
FEB 23 1929 No Carolina Jt Stock Ld. Bank 25 00
956 09 3757 82

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