Petition to Mississippi Governor Charles Clark; Undated



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To his Excellency Charles Clark Governor of the State of Mississippi—

Your petitioners, citizens of Tishomingo county in view of the embarrassed condition of the inhabitants of the county generally & the almost total destitution of a very large number of women & children, rendered So in part by the heavy drain upon its male population & more espicially, by the Spoliatious, robberies & depredations committed by the public enemy during two years of occupation & by other lawless men during & Since that time, would most respectfully Submit to your consideration the following facts;

1st That with the loss of nearly all the Slave Labor of the county & that of the white male population between the ages of 17 & 50, the productious of labor necsssary for the Support of a very large population, consisting mostly of women & children, now devolve upon a comparatively Small number & those in general not of the able bodied class of our citizens—
2nd That owing to the great Scarcity of horses & Mules & forage to feed with during the Season of Ploughing & loss of time in obtaining bread from So great a distance during the Spring & Summer, the present crop will necessarily be a short one & we fear greatly inadequate to the Support of our population the ensuing year, and more Especially should those embraced within your Late call be Kept from home for any considerable time, having their crops Exposed on account of insufficient forces &c
3 That now is the time with most for the Saving of fodder Also that as a Substitute for meat which a very large number have not had during the present year, and cannot Expect to have the next, owing to the Scarcity of hogs & also of cattle, the Sugar or molasses cane has been Extensively planted & is rapidly approaching the Grinding Season when it must be lost if not attended to—
Last edit about 2 months ago by Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director)
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4th That while honor & patriation may demand the prompt Services of Every citizen capable of hearing arises in cases of Emergency or of threatened invasion, yet the interests of individuals & the interest of the Government as well as humanity itself requires that helpless children, aged an infirm parents, wives & Sisters should be cared for, and that a Sufficient portion of the laboring male pop-ulation be left at home for this purpose—
5th That we are Surrounded on two sides at least by a pop-ulation in part dislayal & mixed with Bushwhackers & desertres, ready at any time they may find us in a defenceless condition to pounce upon us & commit the worst acts of dependation & violence—
The premises considered & with every confidence in your wishes & desires as our cheif Executive to protect and promote the interests & well being of all the citizens of the State both individually & collectively, your petitioners would most respectively pray that the militia [page torn] called from their homes & their families, may be returned as soon as the Exiquencies of the case will admit of it—Furthermore, that in view of the great Scarcity of waggons & teams & the difficulty of obtaining transportation for Salt & other Supplies from below it will be a matter of great relief to the citizens of this Section of the country if the Mobile & Ohio Rail Road can be Speedily repaired and the trains again run to Corinth
C A Taylor

E W Carmack Probate Clerk

B. B. Boone Circuit Clerk

James Gaines Co. Treasurer

J G Barton Shff

R A Hill Probate Judge Thos Boshers Com, Berry C. Rives Jno. M Curlee C. W. Williams Pubbie Miller
Last edit about 2 months ago by Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director)
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Petition from Tishomingo praying that the militia drawn from themher May be returned for her protection

Last edit over 1 year ago by Rachel Brown
Displaying all 3 pages