Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 1: 1898 to 1921



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Monthly Meeting Congregation 3 B'nai Israel.

Sacramento, March 30th, 1898

The board met in the synagogue at 8 o'clock P.M. Mr. Albert Elkus, president, in the chair.

Roll called, treasurer Mr. Emil Steinman and school director Mr. H. Weinstock absent.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The resignation of Miss Minnie Meyer was read and ordered accepted.

An appeal from the president and secretary of the Bene Israel Plague Hospital Bombay [Note] was read stating the condition of the community and asking aid to build a plague hospital and segregation camps.

On motion it was ordered that a donation be made of $5.00.

Communication from the Jewish Chautauqua Society announcing the second assembly of the Jewish Chautauqua Society will be held at Atlantic City N.J. from July 10th to 14th, 1898, asking that our congregation become an annual contributer. Communication ordered received and placed on file.

Mr. J. Ginsberg reported that he had a tin cover made to keep the megillah and a board for the pulpit to lay the scroll when in use.

Mr. Bonheim moved that the building committee be authorized to have the front of the synagogue painted white and the bottom stone gray.

[Note: "An initial inquiry regarding the initiation of a lodge in Bombay (present-day Mumbai) in 1895 was sent to B’nai B’rith leader Simon Wolf from Moses Samson, head assistant in the Commissary General’s Office in Poonah, India. When cholera and bubonic plague crippled the city three years later, B’nai B’rith contributed to the relief of victims and needs of the poor and helped to establish Bene Israel Plague Hospital, co-founded by the widow of philanthropist Baron de Hirsch and the Paris branch of the Rothschild family."]

Last edit 8 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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The committee on raising funds for the indebtedness of the congregation reported that they have collected the sum of $600.40 and that they have taken up the balance of note to Mr. O. Ross to $230.00 and paid over the balance to the treasurer.

On motion it was ordered that a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Albert Elkus and A. Bonheim for their good work in collecting the nice amount.

The secretary was instructed to communicate with Mr. Bories that the Board regrets that he had withdrawn from the congregation and to call on the vice president to make arrangements for the place in the cemetery.

The following monthly salaries were ordered paid Rabbi Simon 150.00 [Note 1] Mr. Wilson collector 50.00 Mrs. Hanley organist 10.00 Mrs. Ross singing 10.00 Mr. Mohns cemetery 15.00

The following bills were read and ordered paid Capital Gas 4.60 Emil Steinman silver tray & [??] 19.50 J. Ginsburg board [??] 1.00 Secretary postal cards & stamps 1.00 Sundries for note O. Ross. 230 and 2.90 232.90 [Note 2] Total 494.00 Donations received in pledge 5.00 -------------- 499.00

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

[Note 1:] [Note 2: Oscar Ross, manager, the C.P. Nathan Co.]

Last edit 8 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, April 28th, 1898

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at the synagogue at 8 P.M. Mr. L. Heilbron, Vice President, presiding. At roll call Mr. Albert Elkus, President, Mr. Sam Lavenson, Trustee, Emil Steinman, Treasurer, and H. Weinstock, School Director, noted absent.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The committee on building in relation to the painting of the synagogue reported progress and was granted further time.

On motion of Mr. J. Ginsberg the Secretary was instructed to communicate with the Rabbi that it is the request of the Board that he read all the Hebrew in the Union prayer book on Sabbath and Holidays belonging to such services.

On motion it was ordered that the collector be instructed to have the incandescent lights tested every Friday not later than 10 o'clock A.M. and if anything is wrong to have same attended to by the company.

The building committee was requested to ascertain the cost of having the balance of the building wired where gas is consumed at present and report at next meeting.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate with the President, Mr. Albert Elkus, and the Treasurer, Mr. Emil Steinman, that the Board requires a report in relation to the donation of Mr. C.P. Nathan.

The Secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Albert Elkus, President, to carry out

Last edit 9 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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the resolution passed by the Congregation at its last annual meeting to appoint the committee on membership.

The following salaries were ordered paid and warrants drawn on the Treasurer for the amounts Rabbi Abram Simon 150.00 Collector 50.00 Mrs. Hanley organist 10.00 Mrs. Ross singing 10.00 Mr. Mohns taking care of cemetery 15.00

The following bills were read and ordered paid Capital Gas Co. 4.75 Day & Joy printing postal cards 2.00 S. Morris stationery 2.75 City, State, and County taxes 50.46 -------------- Total disbursements $ 294.96

No further business appearing the meeting adjourned

Leon Salomon Secretary

Financial Report Balance in Treasury 240.04 Receipt of April dues 223.50 Total 463.54 Warrants paid 294.96 Balance in Treasury $ 168.58

Last edit 8 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, May 25, 1898

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met in the synagogue at 8 p.m. Vice President Mr. L. Heilbron, in the chair At the roll call, the following were noted absent. Mr. Albert Elkus, President, Mr. E. Steinman, Treasurer, Mr. A. Bonheim, Trustee, and J. Anchell, School director. [Note]

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The resignation of Mr. Morris, L. Levy was read and accepted.

Mr. Leon Cahen who has returned from Europe wishes to become again a member of the congregation. On motion it was ordered that his name be placed on the roll of members. Mr. Albert Elkus, President, is the chair.

The committee on building reported that they have given the contract for painting of the synagogue on the outside to the firm of Sullivan Kelly Co. for $50.00. On motion the same was ordered approved. The same committee also reported that they had bids for wiring the building from 24.00 to 60.00. On motion it was ordered that the bid for $25.00 be accepted.

Trustees reported that they have had a pole and flag placed on the building.

The cemetery committee was on motion authorized to remove and sell the house on the cemetery grounds and improve the grounds with the fund & $50.00 from burial fees

[Note: Salomon seems to spell this name "Auchel" or "Auchell," but the Reinhart history lists him as "Anschell," and the Home of Peace Cemetery records and other Ancestry records as Anchell. We have elected to use "Anchell."]

Last edit 8 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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