Thomas Gilman Freedom Papers

Despite California’s status as a free state, many Southern gold miners brought slaves with them to work the diggings during the Gold Rush. This presented an opportunity, as some of these men and women were able to purchase their freedom. Thomas Gilman (1830-1911) purchased his freedom for $1,000 in 1852. Born into slavery in Tennessee, Gilman was brought to California in 1850 to work in the gold mines near Shaw’s Flat. Within two years he earned enough money to free himself. He spent the rest of his life in Tuolumne County, mining and farming, until he passed away in 1911.


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Shaws Flat April 5, '78

I hereby sell and convey to Thomas Gilmore all my right, title, and interest, to a certain Dump Box, and Water Privilege, situated on Gospel Gulch, Shaws Flat, near a flume of Phoenix Water company, for the sum of Five Dollars.

Geo N Turner

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Bill of Sale from Geo” N Turner To Thos” Gillman

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Know all men by these presents that I Geo'' N Turner of Shaws Flat County of Tuolumne and State of California of the first part.-for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) lawful money of the United States of America to me paid by Thomas - - Gilman of the same place party-of the Second part. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and convey unto the said party-of the second part, his executors, admin-istrators, and assigns a certain Water Spring situated in State and County aforesaid, and more particularly descr-ibed as follows. near the dwelling -House of Henry Crowell in Dragoon Gulch on the East Side of Said gulch and I do for myself my heirs, executors and administrators covenant and agree, to and with the said party-of the second part to warrant the sale of said Water Spring against all persons whomsoever.

Witnep my hand and seal this 6th day of July A.D. 1864

Geo N Turner SS Witnep G. H. Norton

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Lease Dorah Alisky to Thomas Gilman & Co. Dated February 2, 1875

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This Indenture, made the second day of February A.D. 1875, between Dorah Alisky per her lawful Attorney A. Bullerdieck party of the first part and a resident of the County of Tuolumne & State of California and Thomas Gilman and Co. of the same County and State aforesaid, ^party of the second part. ^ Witnepeth that the said party of the first part has letten and by these presents does grant, demise and to farm let, unto the said party of he second part, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the County of Tuolumne & State of California in S. E 1/4 of N. W. 1/4 of Section 25 T. 2. N. R. 14 West of M. Diablo M., and being at the head of Sydney Gulch, being 100 feet in width and 5oo feet in length, and further designated by stakes driven in the ground at each corner of said parcel of land, for the term of five successive years to commence from the above date, together with use of two Reservoirs and ditches at convenience, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars U. S. Gold Coin for the whole term of five years, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged.

In witnep whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2nd day February A. D. 1875

A. Bullerdieck L.S. lawful Attorney for Dorah Alisky

Last edit over 5 years ago by California State Library
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