of those who believe in serving C. [Christ], here and now, and not
by and by, or in some other part of the country.
4. A house of prayer consecrated to the name of God and
associated with our best memories of the hour of praise worship.
5. All the usual institutions of the Gospel, necessary and
useful elsewhere, – emphatically so here – the family altar, the S. [Sabbath] School,
the prayer meeting, and every other minor help to real piety.
III. Cal. [California] has a destiny to fulfil [fulfill] not unlike that of Galilee, of old ~
1. She ought first to receive, & wonder at, & welcome, C. [Christ] & his gospel,
in the confident hope that it will fulfil [fulfill] all its pledges.
2. She ought, in due time, to become a home and center of Christianizing
power, endeavor, and influence for all the regions behind & beyond.
3. Her people are likely to be of the right sort, in many respects, to be
foremost and best in all Christianizing labours, in all the great world ~
4. An outpost of Civilization and Christianity we are planting here.
Shall it be an advance post, a sign of progress, a token of triumph?
It will be if C. [Christ] be our Leader – if the Spirit enlighten, sanct. [sanctify] & save.
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