Joseph A. Benton Journal

Joseph A. Benton came to California in 1849, during the gold rush. He first settled in Sacramento, where he founded the First Congregation Church in 1851. He was a pastor for many years as well as a professor of Biblical literature at Pacific Theological Seminary. This collection consists of a journal containing outlines of sermons preached on board of the Edward Everett and also in California. **Please note that historical materials in the Gold Rush Collections may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.


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Outlines &c. [et cetera]: of Sermons &c. [et cetera]

Preached on board of the Edward Everett ~



California ~


Various Times and Places.

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S. Sk. 1. [centered] (Sabbath School)

[left edge] Jan. 28:1849.

Ps. [Psalm] 14:1. [centered]

"The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God;" _____________

Define the meaning of "fool" in the ordinary acceptance. Define the meaning of "fool" in the Bible acceptance. Who are they that are guilty of indulging in this folly? (a) The avowed Atheist. Having no God & no immortality.

(b) The Deist. Who makes God only abstract and impersonal.

(c) The Rationalist. Who worships his own intellect & philosophy.

(d) The Vicious. Who set Him & his laws at defiance.

(e) The Neglecters of God's laws & commands. The believers in "do-nothing."

(f) The Rejecters of C. and his gospel. Who admitting claims _ still neglect to to comply with them & put them off.

1 Should remember _ "Thou God seeeth [seeth] me."

2 Should act under an abiding impression of the personality, presence, & power of God in his glory.

3 Strive to keep before us a vivid, burning, recognition of all this.

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S. Sk. 2. [centered] Sab. [Sabbath] School

[left edge] Feb. 11:1849.

Ps. [Psalm] 47:2 ~ [centered]

"He is a great king in all the Earth." [centered]

In these times much is said & written of human privileges, rights, and duties. The wants & rights of humanity recieve [receive] a generous care. All this is well. But

God has rights more venerable & sacred than these. 1. He deserves respect for (a) The Eternity of his existence. (b) The amount of his being. (c) The wondrous works he has wrought.

2. He deserves obedience for (a) The ability of giving &c. [et cetera] the best poss. laws. (b) The willingness to do so. (c) Having taken the reins of Mmiv gov't ~ [government]

3. God, therefore, has rights (a) of Proprietorship in all things, in all beings. He formed them at his own discretion – for his own pleasure. (b) of Government – since he only is fitted to reign in glory, as Sovereign over all worlds – the Ruler of all rational & moral beings. (c) of Office. Regard & worship, as the most excell. [excellent], lovely admirable, resplendent, & glorious object of love in the Universe.

1 Sh'd [Should] be careful how we speak the name of God. Parents – those we respect. 2 Sh'd [Should] be careful how we treat sacred things. Treat friends. 3 Sh'd [Should] be careful about the state of our hearts – feelings, acts, &c [et cetera]. ~

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S. Sk. 3. [centered]

[left edge] Feb. 25: 1849

Prov. [Proverbs] 20:29 ~ [centered]

"The glory of young men is their strength". [centered]

The great problems of Existence have been the study of the noblest minds. They greatly interest all young men – should be deeply pondered by them. Persons of your age are justly thought the most important class of society. The primary thought of the Text is of muscular strength &c. [et cetera] – But we may take it in a wider sense.

1 The glory of such consists in their Strength of Position.

(a) Interest: he feels – felt in him. (b) Affection; heart full of feeling; not yet calloused, nor seared.

(c) Hope: World all before him – not soured by disapt [disappointment] – Even buoyed up – springs elastic.

(d) Confidence; in his fellows – in man; in society; in power of success in the goodness that appears – Has never seen the worlds [world's] depravity.

(e) Power of Endurance : Can withstand, bear, suffer. Feels that there is force within – says ever – "Oh faint not – &c. [et cetera]"

2 It Consists in their Force of Rt. [Right] Mor. [Moral] Character. (a) Firmness. Knowing and doing the right, true, &c. [et cetera] Not blustering – but ever on hand where required.

(b) Self-Reliance. Making most of one's self – most of one's powers – his own way in the world. Determination to be somebody. (c) Virtuous Principle. Steady resistance of wrong – talking all cheerfully. Looking on the heavenly side of all that comes up. Remembering what temptation is for – sh'd [should] by principle – not desire.

(d) Faith in God and goodness. Sure God is true, faithful, good. God will clear himself. Good will prevail at last. The right & just must triumph ~

1. What young man, then, will not consider what he is?

2. Who of us will not remember what he may & ought to be?

3. Who will not bear in mind the worlds of one of our own poets? "Tell me not"

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