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Mariposa ... Mariposa

the man at the wheel, she came up int in the wind
and was taken aback, so they put her about and
stood off ot the North for a number of hours ...
We have had some sickness and and a number
of deaths since we started among one class of
passengers, viz. the pigs, of which there [are] quite a number
on board, but I do not think that the sea life
agrees with them such consumptive constituations
as they naturally possess.

Some difficulty occured today between one of the saliors [sailors]
and one of the cooks, a black son of Africa which
ended in a scuffle, and they being in the Galley
at the time, pots pans and pokers flew about for
a few minuets in stat admirable confusion, but the
mate soon put a stop to that and the Captain
coming forward, poor Jack had to take a terrible
cursing [?]; by the way I have not so favorable opinion
of Captain Allen as at first, we see but little
of him and when he comes on deck, he looks cross,
and savage, his face red and eyes swolen, looking
as I suppose a man would who was in the habit of
drinking a good deal of brandy

[centered] Wednesday Feb 7th

Lat 22° 19" [inches] ... wind East ... squally, stearing south south East,
ouer co our course is south east by east, but the wind will not
permit it our keeping it, we have one man on board
sick with the measles.

[centered] Thursday 8th

Wind south East steering nearly south, some great
number of flying fish flying and skipping from
wave to wave at noon ... weather clear and pleasant

[centered] Friday 9th

wind East, frequent showers

[centered] Sat 10th

Wind still same ... Lat 17° 00 Lon [Longitude] 45° 00

[centered] Sun 11th

East Wind still continues, Weather pleasant,
this afternoon had at Old English service read, and
a sermon read with singing

[centered] Mon 12th

Wind ^ from a point or two farther to the north, so that by
laying close hauled, are able to keep our course.
To day the mate got into a scuffle with one of the
Cooks which ended in poor darkeys being lashed
to the windlass and a ropes end applyed to his back

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