had it not been for the mate who sprang forward and
caught him just as he was mak ready to make the
fearful plunge; rum and dissipation was at the bottom
and hadmade him prefer death to life. He was perfectly wild
for several days so that they were obliged to confine him to save
him from himself
March Feb 1 Thursday ... The wind light but favorable, had a grand
Scramble today, the Captain having a barrell of apples on board ...
in overhauling after provisions it was taken out of the hold ...
Some one or two of the passengers took it and appropriated it
to their own use, but as there was an inquiry made for it,
they had to give it up, the Captain had to it hoisted on deck
and after taking out a few, told the passengers to help them-
selves. There was probably 100 men on deck at the time and such
a scramble as then commenced I never saw, had it been
filled with the dust gathered from the banks of the Saccramento
they could not have been more eager to obtain a share, the
barrell was soon emptied and given to the mercy of the waves.
Friday Feb 2. ... wind westerly, weather pleasa[n]t
course about south east
Saturday 3. ... wind west, so far we have had
a verry fine run, the weather has been extremely fine nearly
the whole time, and the wind favorable as could be wished.
According to the reckoning we are over fourteen hundred
miles from Boston which we have made in seven days ...
Things now go on smooth and pleasantly, we have
singing and dancing on board almost every day
Sunday Feb 4. ... weather fine and warm as summer ...
we have no chaplain on board, so every one has to be his own
minister. Good order and quiet has been observed and all
seem to feel that although far away from the eyes of their
fellow men still the eye of God is uppon them to mark
their doings whether they be good or whether they be evil ...
This after noon a squall came up which lasted but a short
time, but as it passed away, the wind changed from
N.W. to N.E. at first it was verry light but freshened up.
Monday Monday 5" [5th] ... Wind N.E. by and cooler, course
South east half South, ever all sail was made on the ship
and towards night the wind freshening up ... we go ahead
merrily ... Lat 26° 32" [inches] ... we ar[e] now supposed to be in the no
trade winds, as they are usualy taken in from 25° to 28° North
[centered] Tuesday Feb 6th ...
Wind south east with frequent sho squalls, making
but little head way being obliged to lay our course so
close to the wind, that one or twice through carelessness of
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